"Heroes" Darwin award goes to....

May 16, 2007 10:18

For those that watch the show "Heroes" such as myself and caught Monday's episode I have decided to start the Heroes Darwin awards since almost all heroes killed have been killed by their own stupidity:

Brian Davis - Skyler's first kill. You are a geek who can move things with his mind and you "Want it to stop and are scared of it"? Award for loser

Charlene "Charlie" Andrews - No award she was screwed, but you can remember everything you read and you continue to work in a diner? There is easily an Oprah spot available.

Eden McCain - You can tell anybody to do anything you want but you have to kill one of the most dangerous men alive yourself with your own power? Stupid, tell the doctor to administer too much morphine and OD the guy. That way he dies and you keep your job and in this case your life.
Extended note: Just because your character has the power of suggestion that "power" doesn't work in the real world so asking for a raise in the first season will most likely make you out of work. - Darwin in the real world to.

Isaac Mendez - 1. You can see the future. In the future your apartment is blown up by a nuclear explosion. Wouldn’t you at least move? 2. You draw your death in the future and you are in your apartment. Wouldn't you at least move? - Award for an inability to find friends with truck.

Theodore "Ted" Sprague - 1. You are radioactive. Nobody puts you in chains, get it? Nobody. 2. Someone is cutting your head off and you have the power of a nuclear holocaust. How long do they live? - Award!

Zane Taylor - Showed Skyler his power without checking to see if Dr Suresh sent his assistant instead. Kinda picky but we are talking Darwin here and survival of goes to the strongest or the guy that checks references.


D L Hawkins - You have the power to make you and anyone you touch pass through solid matter and you "Jump in front of a bullet" Instead of merely touching them and "phasing" them till the bullet passes by. Need it be said, yes it does, AWARD!
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