Economic Transformation of the Soviet Union

Nov 20, 2008 10:24

Сборник статей об экономическом развитии СССР. "Economic Transformation of the Soviet Union. 1913 - 1945". В rar-архиве (4.8 МБ) Djvu + распознанный PDF с ошибками. Cambridge University Press, 1994, 410 стр. Edited by R.W. Davies, Mark Harrison, S.G. Wheatcroft

Отличная книга, читается легко, много таблиц. Само собой, ссылки и библиография присутствуют.

The book carefully examines Soviet successes and failures using the Soviet statistical record and the alternative estimates of Western and Russian economists. The contributors, all leading authorities, consider major sectors of the economy, foreign economic relations, and the war economies of 1914-1921 and 1941-1945. The major controversies are presented and reconsidered. How strong was the Tsarist economy? Did the mixed economy of the 1920s succeed? Did the Soviet economy overtake the major industrialised powers between the wars? How important were the defence industries? How extensive were the population losses due to war and repression?

1 Changing economic systems: an overview 1
R. W. Davies

2 The crooked mirror of Soviet economic statistics 24
S. G. Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies

3 National income 38
Mark Harrison

4 Population 57
S. G. Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies

5. Employment and industrial labour 81
J. D. Barber and R. W. Davies

6. Agriculture 106
S. G. Wheatcroft and R. W. Davies

7. Industry 131
R. W. Davies

8. Transport 158
J. N. Westwood

9. Technology and the transformation of the Soviet economy 182
Robert Lewis

10. Foreign economic relations 198
Robert Lewis

11. The First World War and War Communism, 1914-1920 216
Peter Gatrell

12. The Second World War 238
Mark Harrison

Скан, СССР

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