Гибралтар разрешил въезд по шенгенской визе для граждан РФ

Jan 16, 2014 15:33

Как выяснилось, по декрету местной рейхсканцелярии такое введено официально.
Вкратце - граждане РФ могут, при наличии многократной шенгенской визы находиться в Гибралтаре сроком до 21 дня, если срок действия визы превышает 21 день, или оставшийся срок действия визы, за вычетом 7 дней.

Immigration, Asylum and Refugee
© Government of Gibraltar (www.gibraltarlaws.gov.gi)
Subsidiary Legislation made under s. 11A.
Commencement 31.10.2013
In the exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 11A of the Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Act, and all other enabling powers, the Government has issued the following Direction-

1. This Direction comes into operation on the date of publication in the Gazette.
Persons to whom the Direction applies.
2. This Direction is given to the Principal Immigration Officer.
3.(1) The Government directs that the categories of persons set out in the Schedule to this Direction are authorised to enter and remain in Gibraltar for a period which shall not exceed-
(a) 21 days; or
(b) where the multiple entry Schengen Visa is due to expire before 21 days from the entry of the person into Gibraltar, the remainder of the period of validity of such multiple entry Schengen Visa less 7 days.
(2) The direction under subparagraph (1) includes a waiver under section 11A(2) of the Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Act of the requirement to be in possession of a valid entry permit under section 12(1) of that Act.
(3) The waiver issued under subparagraph (2) does not entitle the categories of persons set out in the Schedule to this Direction to-
(a) seek employment in Gibraltar; or
(b) to have access to any publicly funded benefits in Gibraltar.
1. Chinese nationals who are holders of valid multiple entry Schengen Visas.
2. Indian nationals who are holders of valid multiple entry Schengen Visas.
3. Russian nationals who are holders of valid multiple entry Schengen Visas.
4. Mongolian nationals who are holders of valid multiple entry Schengen Visas.

Гибралтар, виза, шенген

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