Title: Penny
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: PG
Pairing: One sided Billy/Penny
Disclaimer: Dr Horrible is property of Mutant Enemy
Summary: My entry for the
whedonland picture prompt challenge. I got placed second! Woo!
He came here once a year to place her favourite flower upon her grave. A white rose. She had had no idea he knew it was her favourite flower. But it was. And he always chose the most beautiful and most pale one he could find. Pale and beautiful, just like her.
The day in which he chose to visit her, was not on her birthday, nor on the anniversary of her death, but on Christmas Day.
She had told him once about how much she loved Christmas, and that since her move to Los Angeles she was unable to celebrate it with her family in the way she would normally.
As she had started to describe it, he had feared that she would be one of those people who would go out knocking on people’s doors and forcing them to listen to carols. After all, with her charity work, it seemed almost appropriate. But she wasn’t. She just stayed in with her family, wearing her pj’s and a santa hat while drinking eggnog and eating pizza with Home Alone on in the background.
It sounded like his kind of Christmas.
He had promised her that since he had no family in the city either that he would celebrate with her that year, that they would wear pyjamas and santa hats (he had some Rudolph slippers that would be perfect), drink eggnog and eat pizza and watch all the Home Alone movies.
But they never made it to Christmas. Never even made it to Halloween.
And so, he came to visit her once a year. The only day in which The League took a day off. And instead of spending it with his friends, he spent it with her. The love of his life. Penny.