tonight was weird, not a bad weird but then it turned into a bad weird//
lot on my mind regarding the move back finally hit me tonight when i realized after monday, i'm back home for good more than
likely/ i do know that i dont want to come back here but just oh i dunno/ lots going on and at the same time there really isnt that much
going on lol// *sigh...chrismukkah oh chrismukkah where are u?!/ and yeah i bought the lil yamaclaus...bite me! i'm 'scene' haha im so off
my rocker tonite lol but all i still do know is that april and kayla are the best two canadian (sp) girls ever/ and i wanna thank kayla for
supplying me with so much happiness and laughter these past two days/
and i cant forget april, she took the prize u both and ur both like totally awesome and rad haha g'nite u sticks!