Thank you for your condolences and well-wishing concerning the tragedy. Your human warmth was vastly appreciated.
September is all about these huge transitions. Ask me again how I'm doing in a month and I'll be able to tell you without biting my lip or muttering sub voce imprecations, but as of now a lot of stuff is still up in the air.
Money (or lack thereof!)
I'm currently broke and jobless. I haven't taken work-study yet because I'm having my financial aid package re-evaluated and they said that would be "the first thing to go" (as in, it would be converted to a grant). I'm on the lookout for a high-yield part-time job, but I'm a little nervous as I need to be hired ASAP to make October's tuition deadline. Yet another character-building experience!
Life (at school and at home)
I have five classes; meeting once a week, each is a 3-hour block of solid classwork, with homework assigned at closing. The one class alone promises 6 hours of take-home work a week. I've never been so thrilled over academics in my life! I just finished my second week of class, and so far I'm doing very well and feel quite positive about my future progress. The best part is, if I can pull five straight A's I should be able to get some additional funding from the Illustration Department, according to the Chair. Woot! As if I needed more incentive to do my best!
Now that I'm here and I've had a taste, I know that it will be the good kind of challenge and that I'm totally up to the test. This is definitely the most exciting and encouraging part of the transition process.
Well, after all my anti-relationship talk, bachelor girl lifestyle and devil-may-care attitude, I now have to eat a big platter of piping hot crow. I've been seriously involved with someone in Philly for the past two and a half months. I had actively planned to NOT be seriously involved with anyone EVER again...but life has a funny way of throwing curve balls, always when you least expect it.
I'm not a gusher by nature, instead preferring to keep my cards close to my chest. I will never subject you guys to rambling boyfriend panegyrics or smugly saccharine rhapsodies to romance; I have not changed in that respect, I'm still a sceptic, a cynic and an independent. However, I just have to say that I've never been so completely fulfilled, inspired, energized, and satisfied by any single person (henceforth referred to as KS) in my entire life. Who knew that such refreshing happiness, such simple joy in another's presence, could be a part of your everyday life? KS is absolutely perfect for me, a walking dream/fantasy in every single way, and it's all beautifully, fantastically mutual. Oh Life, you wacky prankster, you! Iinterestingly enough, it turns out he's close friends with
mozgirl_sara's long-term boyfriend, so if we hadn't met the one way, we'd still have met eventually.
OK, sorry to have to stop here, but I'm getting tired of laptop-typing and my dad needs his wireless modem card back. Thanks for being so patient!