Meme stolen from huggenkiss

Jan 22, 2008 10:24

Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid

There are less than 5, cause I wasn't really allowed to watch much TV when I was younger.

1. Lois & Clark (the very first tv show I became obsessed with)

2. Friends

3. Dawson's Creek

4. Dark Angel

Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would...Well, It's Self-Explanatory

There are a lot more than 5, but I'll be good and not cheat ;)

1. Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Yeah, like you didn't see that coming :p

2. Jack Bauer (24) Well, until he became all tortured and shit.

3. Mick St. John (Moonlight) This is a new development... damn you, Alex. Although, it would be kinda difficult to do it with a vamp :p

4. Tony Almeida (24) The more I watch the dvd's, the more I love the man!

5. Sam Winchester (Supernatural) I hate to admit it, but this boy is getting more attractive as he gets more evil. Damn you, Jared!

What? No, No, I Don't Watch That...: 5 Guilty Pleasure TV Shows

I can't really think of anything!

Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won't Forget) - BECAUSE THEY MADE ME CRY, DAMMIT! <--- I'm leaving that in, cause oh my God me too.

I think I'm gonna add in a couple more this time.

1. Claire dying in McLeod's Daughters. Oh my God, it was so effing horrible, it feels like your heart is ripped out when you watch it.

2. Teri dying in 24. It wasn't the fact that she died, cause she actually irritated me, it was more the fact of Jack losing his wife. Seeing his reaction is bloody awful, and even though I've watched it about 50 times, I still cry.

3. Claire giving birth to Charlotte in McLeod's. This whole ep was awesome, and that baby was so freaking cute!!

4. Basically all of AHBL Part 1 and 2. ANDY!!! *sobs*

5. The Impala getting turned into a pretzel in Devil's Trap. Well, basically just that whole damn episode.

6. John dying in IMTOD. *weeps*

7. Claire and Alex finally getting together in McLeod's. They took their freaking time.

8. Tony dying in 24. I miss that man.

9. The final ep of Friends :(

10. George dying in 24. *wibble*

"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs": 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart

I can only really think of 4.

1. McLeod's Daughters

2. Friends

3. NCIS (it isn't really a song, but the music is awesome)

4. Moonlight (again, it's the music)

Eh: 5 Shows You Just Can't Get Into

1. Buffy or Angel (I'm sorry, but I don't get it.)

2. Ugly Betty (Don't find it funny at all) <---- Me too

3. Big Brother. (Just WHAT is the appeal in this show? They're all just a bunch of attention-seeking morons who all need a slap and a boot up the bum)

4. CSI. (I just about fall asleep trying to watch it)

5. Burn Notice (just who the hell is this guy? He's just some Jack Bauer wannabe)

The Starting Line-Up: 5 Channels You Go To First When You Sit Down to Watch TV

1. Probably only Channel 10 cause of SPN and NCIS. I'm always trying to catch the ads for SPN, but they suck at advertising it.

This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out Of Here: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without

1. Director Jenny Shephard (NCIS) I don't know what it is about her, but I just find her so whiny and annoying.

2. Both Ruby and Bela (Supernatural) And no, it's not because I think they're 'competition', I just find their characters irritating and extremely unneccissary. If they want female characters, bring Ellen back for crying out loud!

3. Dawson Leery (Dawson's Creek) I don't care if the show was named after him, he was such a whiny bitch!

4. Wayne Palmer (24) I don't know what they were thinking, bringing him back last season as the President!

5. Cassie (Supernatural) Ugh. Bad bad BAD actress. Coincidentally enough, she was actually halfway decent in 24. Go figure.

That's What She Said: 5 Quotes That Still Resonate

1. Jack: "I'm federal agent Jack Bauer, and today is going to be the longest day of my life."

2. Dean: "SAM!" (All Hell Breaks Loose Part One, Supernatural) Dean's voice and actions, more than the words he says, in this scene makes my heart break <--- I have to leave that in, cause I agree wholeheartedly.

3. Jack: "Dammit!" or "Son of a Bitch!" or "We're running out of time!" Mainly cause it was said nearly every single episode.

4. Basically anything Andy in Supernatural said. ♥

5. Sam: "What were you thinking, shooting Casper in the face, you freak?"
Dean: "Hey, saved your ass. And I'll tell you another thing, if you screwed up my car, I'll kill you."

6. (I'm cheating again, I know) Sam: "I'm taking you home."

7. Sam: "My Daddy Shot Your Daddy in the Hee-aad."

8. Dean: "You fudging touch me again, and I'll fudging kill you!"

9. Joey: "Ducks is heads, cause ducks have heads."
Chandler: "What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday?" *giggles*

10. About 50 million other lines from Friends... that whole show is a one-liner!

Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of

1. Supernatural

2. 24


4. McLeod's Daughters

5. Medium (Joe!)

Last update, 13th Jan? O_O So much for updating more this year.

Holy shit, I can't believe that took me an hour to do. I have to leave the house in ten minutes, and I'm not even dressed!
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