[You are not greeted with a view of someone else, but instead what appears to be the horizon when the sun is practically almost all the way down and night has overcome the sky. It stays like that for a few moments, until it switches immediately to the proper function intended, although you can hear someone mutter something along the lines of 'piece
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HeY, sPiDeRsIs!
GuEsS YoU'rE AlL Up aNd bEiN HeRe tOo nOw.
Not that I'm curious or anything, 8ut hey how have you 8een doing?
AsIdE FrOm hAvIn sOmE TrOuBlE GeTtIn mY NaP On wItH ThEsE BeDs, EvErThInG's bEeN ChIlL, mY SiStEr.
It'S AlL ReAl mOtHeRfUcKiN NiCe aNd wElCoMiN HeRe.
Oh, that's good to hear.
I don't know what I would do if you weren't 8eing all chill and kind of, you know, the usual.
I've 8een thinking a8out this awesome thing we should all do.
Can you guess what it is????????
YoU ShOuLd uP AnD LeT A MoThErFuCkEr kNoW.
I was thinking may8e we should all just sometime in the future get together and hang out.
Of course, this is when we all have possi8ly gotten our shits together or something.
[Facepalming forever. You are done. This will be all forgotten.]
I WaS AlL ThInKiN ThAt wOuLd bE An aWeSoMe mOtHeRfUcKiN PlAn tOo!
MaN, yOu'Re lIkE BeIn aLl uP In mY ThInK PaN AnD ShIt.
HoW'd yOu eVeN KnOw?
I actually think that, if given a chance and different circumstances, we would allllllll 8e thinking a8out the very same idea right now.
ThAt'S LiKe... hItTIn aLl nEw mOtHeRfUcKiN LeVeLs oF DeEp.
My MiNd iS AlL Up aNd bLoWn.
This will 8e why if anyone tells you to change I'm going to have to put my foot up their ass.
WhY WoUlD I AlL WaNt tO Up aNd bE ChAnGiN?
A MoThErFuCkEr'S JuSt gOtTa bE WhO He iS, rIgHt?
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