[ooc; Hi, gang! I am sort of in Vegas right now, so for John's first post in this event, I'll probably be replying reeeeally slowly. The more triggery, violent part of his fear will crop up in a post on Monday, once I'm back home.]
PRIVATE TEXT -- locked to the trolls, Jade Harley )
ShIt, ThAt mOtHeRfUcKeR's hErE?
ArE YoU AlL MoThErFuCkIn sUrE, bRo?
I AiN't aLl bEeN SeEiN NoThIn.
[This little bastard here is unaffected by the current events.]
oh geez, really?
maybe i am just seeing things, then...i mean, i only saw his reflection.
it was probably just the light, hehe!
[...not that telling himself that is helping much.]
YoU JuSt gOtTa sTaRe aT It lOnG EnOuGh
ThEn yOu'Ll aLl pRoBaBlY ZoNe oUt aNd fOrGeT ThE MoThErFuCkEr'S ThErE.
LaTeR It'Ll bE LiKe "ShIt, DiD I SeE A TwO-HeAdEd cLoWn? HaHa, FuCk nO."
it was really creepy. :( and not in an awesome kind of way, either.
ShIt'S LiKe aLl uP BeIn sTuCk iN ThErE ThOuGh, RiGhT?
MiRrOr mIrAcLeS MiGhT KeEp tHaT MoThErFuCkEr cOnTaInEd.
OtHeRwIsE YoU JuSt sMaCk iT On tHe nOsE, yEaH?
...i'm pretty sure that got be killed again right before i got here! maybe. i don't knoooooooow.
I KnOw i'Ve AlL Up aNd aTe sOmE BaD PiE BeFoRe.
ThRoWs sOmE ToTaL HaRsH On mY WhImSy.
some bad pie, huh? that sounds pretty nasty, eeeewww.
LaZy pIeMaKiN Is bAd, BrO.
If yOu dOn'T AlL BaKe tHaT ShIt pRoPeR AfTeR NoT BaThIn aNd sLeEpIn iN It, ThEn sHiT DoN't cOmE OuT RiGhT.
[So casual about this.]
WhAt aLl sOrT Of sHiT WeRe yOu tHiNkIn tHeY WaS BeIn mAdE Of?
but it just seems weird that it's the same stuff you guys like...sleep in. that is pretty weird, no offense.
ShItS NoT FoR EvErYoNe, YoU KnOw?
I LiKe tHe wAy yOu uP AnD LoOk aT ShIt, MoThErFuCkEr. :o) HoNk.
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