[FST] Crisis ¿Dónde? - Spain FST

Jan 26, 2011 00:35

Crisis, ¿Dónde?
Spain FST

Compiled by: rubyshad0w
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Spain
Rating: pg
Summary: 20 songs of real spanish music (lyrics in spanish or english), illustrating historic events and pairings.

ALIAS: ¿Crisis? ¿Y eso?... ¿En sério?? ¡Que fuerte! ¿Pero dónde?... ¿Aquí, dices?

Give me that sun and that blue sky.


Ojos de Brujo - Memorias Perdidas

Memorias perdías
De siglos descansan
Al fondo hasta que llega el alba

Lost Memories
Of centuries rest
Deep until the morning comes

Give me the smell of Earth and Sea.


Tierra Santa - Canción del Pirata

Veinte presas hemos hecho
A despecho del inglés
Y han rendido sus pendones
Cien naciones a mis pies

Que es mi barco mi tesoro
Que es mi dios mi libertad
Mi ley la fuerza y el viento
Mi única patria la mar

Twenty prisioners we have done
To spite of the English
And a hundred nations
have putted their banners in my feet

That's my boat my treasure
That is my god my freedom
My law of force and wind
The sea, my only homeland

Give me a place to heal my injuries.

My Dear Kingdom of Naples

Sidonie  - Mi Garganta

En la plaza de repente
Yo te veo entre la gente
Me resbalo caigo al suelo
Te quiero!
Te tiendo la mano
Y te ofrezco el triste ramo
Te apartas un poco
y me dices que estoy loco

In the square suddenly
I see you among the people
I slip I fall to the ground
I love you!
I give you my hand
And I offer you the sad flowers
You move away a bit
and tell me I'm crazy

Give me problems, but stay with me.

Dutch Rebellion

Pereza  - Leones

Somos bichos raros
lentos y asustados
nos matabamos tal vez
nos moriamos de sed
nadie, los dos a la vez
midiendonos como dos leones

We are freaks
slow and scared
perhaps we had kill each other
we were dying of thirst
no one, the two at the same time
measuring ourselves like two lions

Give me my America…

Vetusta Morla  - Sálvese quien pueda

Puedo vencer, palmar, saber que sin vosotros duele más.
Puede ser que mañana esconda mi voz por hacerlo a mi manera.

Puede ser que haga de la rabia mi flor y con ella mi bandera.
¡Sálvese quien pueda!

I can conquer, fall, know that without you guys it hurts more.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll hide my voice for do it today in my way.

Maybe I’ll make of anger my flower and with it my flag.
Run for your lives!

…And give me American memories.

Vetusta Morla  - Cuadratura del Círculo

Saber que no os puedo colonizar
No es suficiente para firmar...

La Paz, Bolivia, Quito es Ecuador,
Lima está en Perú,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, no llores por mi

To know that I can not colonize you
Not enough to sign ...

La Paz, Bolivia, Quito is Ecuador,
Lima is in Peru,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, do not cry for me

Give me more, so I can be myself.

Union with Portugal

Second  - Línea Imaginaria

Me pongo a la distancia
Seguro al otro lado, para que no pidas imposible que me vaya
Cruzamos la línea imaginaria tantas veces

No me importa estar, enganchado a ti un día

I put myself to the distance
Safe in the other side, to be impossible for you to ask me to go
We crossed that imaginary line so many times

I do not care to be hooked to you one day

Give me a challenge.

English Intervention

The Sunday Drivers  - My Plan

My plan is not to love you,
i've got better things to do.
My plan is just to do you.
What you deserve to be done.

You can use the grammar,
is that the furthest you can go?
I can use unpleasant very nice words like you do.

Give me an answer.

The Fall

Ágora OST  - Hypatia's Last Walk

Give me the right to remember my Past.

Russian Red  - No Past Land

If my hands weren't there
Like I saw in the stream

If they weren't to be found
Then what else could I be

Give me a reason to trust you again.

French Invasion

Love of Lesbian  - Noches Reversibles

¿No ves que lo nuestro es raro?
Sigue intacto en mil pedazos
y no logra romperse.

¿No ves que si hemos perdido
hemos ganado historias que contar?
Más que algunos tienen.

Can’t you see that ours is weird?
Remains intact in a thousand pieces
and can not be broken.

Can’t you see that if we lost
we won stories to tell?
More than a few have.

Give me air, so I can breathe.

Civil War

Layabouts  - Corrupted Scene Behind the Stage

And all the tags and all the trends and all the stupid names
Carried along in the hands of the underaged
This is the scene, will you be part of it?
Its full of lies, its kinda dumb, its only bullshit baby

Its fake and its cold

Give me freedom, or let me die.


Catpeople  - Radio

i sell my life
you feel me, my sick
you want this crowns,this screams again
well come on

i sell my life
i need to stand up,again
come on come on now
we want to sing on the radio

Give me the best city in the world.


Dover  - Madrid

My favorite city in the world
Let´s dance! Let´s meet up and dance!
I will let you get to my bones
And then to my soul

Give me the place where my dreams rest forever.


Fufü-Ai  - Barcelona

Barcelona, with a handsome boy.
Barcelona, freedom.
Barcelona, I’m in love.
Barcelona, magic tone.

Give me that North in teal.

Templeton  - Las Casas de Verano y Invierno

Y hace dos años que ya nadie nos visita
en la casita que compramos junto al mar,
tiene dos plantas pero cuántas veces me has visto regar?
Y ahora en invierno sólo pienso en que te fuiste
y que esta casa nadie me la va a comprar.
Tampoco se estará tan mal aquí.

Since two years ago that no one visits us
in this lettle house we bought next to the sea
has two plants, but how many times you've seen me putting water in it?
Now in winter I just think that you left
and this house, no one is going to buy it from me.
But it won’t be so bad to be here.

Give me that South in amber.

Chambao  - Ahí Estás Tú

Y es que yo canto porque a mi me gusta cantar
También tu bailas porque a ti te gusta bailar, tú.
Y a mi me gusta como bailas, tú

And I sing because I like to sing
Also you dance because you like to dance, you.
And I like how you dance, you

Give me carnations and dances.


Paco de Lucía  - Antonia

Give me a family.

European Union

Sidecars  - Ya No tengo Problemas

¡No! ya no tengo problemas
¡No! no tengo preocupación
¡No! bajo la luna llena
espero ver de nuevo el sol

No! I have no problems anymore
No! I have no concerns
No! Under the full moon
I hope to see the sun again

Give me a pillow and a lullaby after lunch time.


La Pegatina  - Despierto

Veo gente que duerme
Gente que no despierta
Gente con una venda en los ojos
Y hay gente que va con los ojos rojos

I see people sleeping
People who do not wake up
People with a blindfold on
And there are people who go with their eyes red


Give me lo que sea, con tal de que sea gratis.

Rafa Corega  - Himno

[DOWNLOAD | 20 Songs | 1 Extra Song | Covers | Lyrics | 92 Mb]

[ZIP Version]

[ FST List] But this one is the best


All the music is spanish. Spanish songs, spanish singers, spanish bands, that OST is from a spanish movie, spanish spanish spanish, what means NO SHAKIRA GUYS!...

Thanks to my Imouto for that crazy song  to Conquer!Spain.

Other points: the Lion is part of Netherlands and Belgium coats of arms. Kingdom of Naples is Romano, sure. “Imaginary Line”, references to Tratado de Tordesillas and to the union with Portugal. I was trying not to put OCs here, but after find this song it would be impossible…

After the Arthur's Intervention is all about going down, so we needed a break… (instrumental interlude from this movie i recomend). And after listen to the Franquismo song, please stand up. You’re gonna start to dance seriously.

There are things that I suppose that are easier to understand to people from inside the country: the song used to South of Spain, the lyrics seem quite random but actually it was a song from a touristic advertising to the south...  I tried to put really different types of music (but I think I failed, too much indie), and I tried to mix Spanish with English lyrics. I suppose that combination is not boring to follow to any kind of listener.

Normally I hate fst’s with repeated artists. I decided to do a little exception with these 2 songs about America because they seemed an answer to each other.

To Spanish people! First: crucify me! 'Cause the extra song is just for you XD

Second: some quote that i copied from some place in this www, and that i will not bother to translate cause i'm too tired for today lol:

“Hay gente que cree que la música es una gran razón para vivir. Y si no tienes muchos más motivos, ni nada que echarte al estómago, hasta dicen que alimenta. Eso dicen. Hubo un tiempo en el que la música servía para llenar, como mínimo, el espíritu: cuando para aliñar el potaje no había más que partituras.”

fst, c: spain

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