Crumpiken Legacy-Chapter 5

Dec 03, 2010 14:26

Hi guys, Sorry I meant to get this up much earlier in the week but it just didn't happen.  This is a short chapter, but I promise to have another one up either tonight or early tomorrow that'll be much longer :). 

Robert:  I'm such a wreck!  Why do you keep doing this to me?
Well mostly for the entertainment value of the entire event really.  That...and you make great faces when I up-root your entire existence.

Robert:  I hate you, I really do.
awe, you don't mean that!
Robert:  You're right, I don't but still.....
For those of you in the dark at this point, I again decided to make Robert move....where you might ask?  Well thanks to all the wonderful tips I got for remaking the apartments (thanks guys), I renovated a large space for the legacy to thrive in :).  I want it to be a downtown legacy so it was really my only choice.  

Robert:  At least it's conveniently located next to a subway station.

Robert:  Note to self, riding a subway with a toddler is a frightening experience.
I think riding a subway in general is a frightening experience.  But that's just me (I don't like enclosed spaces).

I chose to renovate a building in the middle of downtown.  It's awesome you guys are going to love it :)

First I took that boring little hallway of a lobby and used the blacked out space on the ground floor to create a swimming pool and gym area.

Nice huh.

Robert:  I like it so far.  What's next?

Well, next is you're place.  When I renovated it, I actually ended up removing the ability to have other Sims live in the building. (I was a little greedy with the space hehe).  I may put one back in the small amount of space I have left on the bottom floor.

I purposely left it a blank canvas when Robert and Lexi moved in.  No real rooms, just a giant studio apartment with 2 floors.

The last floor in the building was used to create a nice little hang out space for Robert, all his future friends and the kids.

If I could turn it into a community hang out without losing the apartment I'd name it the Jackalobe bar :)

I know I would get a kick out of living under something this great.

After a couple of clicks, I added just a few walls and some of Robert's furniture.  We've got plenty of time to add more stuff after all.

Robert:  There's not a lot here.  I guess we didn't have much to begin with did we.
No, but you'll get more.  Don't worry.

For now, there are only 3 rooms up on the second floor.  The master, the nursery and Lexi's future room.  I added 2 bathrooms and so no one would have to share.

Robert:  Oh this is nice Lexi.  Much bigger than you're old room.

Lexi:  I wike it daddy.
Robert:  You just have some fun.  Daddy has one other thing he has to do.

Robert:  Hi, Lilly-Bo?  I don't know if you remember me from the studio but I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner?
Lexi:  Yep, wooks wike all my twoys are still here.

Robert:  Ok, I did it.  What if she doesn't like me.  What if she thinks I'm a freak?  Or worse.....what if she's like MARINA?!?!?!?
You are worse than any woman I've ever had as a founder.  It'll be fine.  You're a great guy.

Robert:  Really?
Hell yeah!  You know how many readers say they'd like to find a guy just like you?

Robert:  You're right, I'm totally ready for this.  I'm such a babe how can she resist.
Lexi:  Mr. Bunny, dare you are.  I's been wooking evwry where for you.

Robert:  Atalaya, you need to pray.  Yeah I'm going out on another date.  Don't worry, you're brother totally has this under control.

Robert:  OMG I just shit my pants, she's here!
I hope you meant that figuratively as in you're really nervous.

Lilly-Bo:  Hey Robert.  How's it been going?
Robert:  Great Lil, you look good.

Lilly-Bo:  Thanks.  It's unconventional but I have my own view of style.
Robert:  I can see that.
Lilly-Bo:  Is that a knock?
Robert:  No, ma'am.

Lilly-Bo:  Good, cause I really kind of like you.  I've been thinking a lot about you since you interrupted my performance at the studio.
Robert:  Really?
I should note that Lilly-Bo started flirting with Robert the second she walked in the door, no flirting from him first.

Robert:  So what have you been thinking about?
Lilly-Bo:  Well, at first it was just how rude you were to interrupt and then I couldn't get your eyes out of my head.

Robert:  My eyes, how cool.  What about them?
Lilly-Bo:  Well, they reminded me of what the sandwich in my refrigerator looks like.  It's been in there for about a year now.  Um not to be rude but am I going to be doing all the work here?  Shouldn't you be complimenting me just a little?

Robert:  I'm sorry Lil, it's just after the giant fiasco with Marina I get really nervous around women.  Especially one's a beautiful as you are.
Lilly-Bo:  Awe, see now that wasn't so hard now was it.

Lilly-Bo:  And here I figured you for a guy that was only judging a woman based on the size of her breasts.  Listen, I've got to go for a while but I'll be back later, ok?

Robert:  OMG she just left me.
Ah she had to go to work.  I'd think after the mooch you were just with, this would be a pleasant change.
Robert:  Yes, but unnerving.

Here you are folks, EA history in the making.  The first child to play with the daddy doll and not try to bite it's head off at any point.
Lexi:  I's wouldn't do dat to daddy.  Dats what da mommy doll does.

Lexi:  It otay daddy.  You's find a new mommy dat wont do dat someday.
I just love her.  Such a sweet child.

Robert:  Ok, she's back.  Your the man, your the man....
Psyching yourself up?
Robert:  Well you're little help in that department, you just think it's funny when I screw up.
Oh not true.  I'm all for you getting with Lilly-Bo.  I say go after her!

Lilly-Bo:  Ok, no one saw me trip over my own feet ok?
Robert:  Whatever you say Lil.  You're as graceful as a pig.
Lilly-Bo:  Poor choice of animal reference.
Robert:  No it's not, have you ever seen a pig trip?

Shocking that she let you do that after the pig comment.

Robert:  She digs me.
Lilly-Bo:  He's kind of a dork.  But it works for me.

Robert:  Lil, I have little success with my relationships so far but I was hoping that you'd be the one who changed all that.  Would you be my girlfriend?
Lilly-Bo:  Ah sure.

Robert:  Ok, how about my wife?
Lilly-Bo:  OMG it's one of those disappearing rings!  I've always wanted one of those!

Lilly-Bo:  Just look at the way it melts into my hand!  It's like it's never there.  So cool.
Robert:  I know huh.

Lilly-Bo and Robert were married right there in the living room. :)

Lilly-Bo:  I just can't get over how many times they vanish.  So awesome! for the stats on Lilly-Bo!

Lilly-Bo is clumsy, friendly, excitable, flirty and absent minded.  Her LTW is to get to the top of the film career.....and before anyone disses it.  YES this hair style is intentional.  I really don't care if you like it or not.  She's weird, you'll see what I mean about her clothes.  I didn't change a thing!  I just didn't think her hair suited her.  If you have a problem with the hair.....Keep it to yourself lol!

Lexi:  I so tired!
Robert:  Come on Lil, it's time for the honey moon!
Lilly-Bo:  Just a second.  Your daughter is screaming in here.

Lexi:  What da....who is you?
Lilly-Bo:  Ah, I guess I'm you're new mommy.

Lexi:  I has a new mommy?  

Lexi:  I's wike your shoes!
Lilly-Bo: Thanks.

Lexi:  An your hair!  I's wike pink.
Lilly-Bo:  Ah, ok.

Lexi:  Is you gonna hate me wike my mommy did?

Lilly-Bo:  Awe, kid.  How can anyone hate a kid?  I'll treat you like my own daughter, how's that?

Lexi:  Otay.  Can I call you mommy-bo?
Lilly-Bo:  You can call me anything you want.

Lilly-Bo:  Alright, all tucked in.  Time for bed.

Lexi:  Night, night mommy-bo.
Lilly-Bo:  Good night Lexi.

I decided Lilly's initiation into motherhood should begin before she even get's pregnant.
Lilly-Bo:  Oh holy hell! 

Lilly-Bo:  Hope you're ready for this bunny trashcan.  This one's a stinker!

Robert:  Lexi get tucked in ok?

Lilly-Bo:  Yep.  So how about I tuck you in now?
Robert:  Oh yeah!


Robert:  Well, that was fun.  I just can't get over your hair!
Lilly-Bo:  Don't even think about asking me to change it.

Robert:  No, I like it I really do!
Lilly-Bo:  I knew there was a reason I loved you.

Well, there you have it.  Lilly is pregnant!  :)  We'll get to see Lexi grow up next chapter.  Speaking of growing up.  I'm going to put up a suggestion on the Facebook page for the next thing you all can vote on.  As always, it wont be up long!  Read the rules on the suggestion and have fun.Well, I know it didn't stay unlocked for long but since there's a new chapter up I'm locking the comments on the chapter.  Please feel free to comment on the newest one!


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