You're very right. Freedom of speech ends where it begins to interfere with the rights and well-being of others. Subjecting someone to hatred and bigotry is not freedom of speech it is in fact Harassment. University of Oregon was great in that the University charter had a distinct Anti-Discrimination policy that included sexual orientation and gender-identity. When my ex and I were harassed and called faggots by a bunch of drunken fratboys, I was able to go to the LGBTQA on campus, report the incident, and they went to the University and had something done about it. MSU has an obligation to protect the safety and well-being of its student body which supercedes anyone's right to an expression of bigotry. Its fucking ridiculous.
we have nothing in this university, nor town protecting gays. where i work recently a girl was made to work in the back because she was a lesbian and dating a high ranking lady's daughter. basically nothing could be done about it. this place is grating on my nerves and i'm ready to leave 19th century Americana.
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