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Celer, Celeris N M 3 1 M [XXXDO]
knights (pl.) (old name/precursor of equestrian order); Roman kings' bodyguard;
Epiphania, Epiphaniae N F 1 1 F [EEXEE]
Epiphany, 12th Night, feast of three Kings/Magi; manifestation; plane surface;
admissio -onis f. [audience] , esp. with kings, etc.
Aeacus -i m. [king of Aegina , grandfather of Achilles; after death a judge in the infernal regions]. Hence subst. Aeacides -ae, m. [a male descendent of Aeacus].
Aeeta and Aeetes -ae m. , [king of Colchis, father of Medea]. Hence f. subst. Aeetias -adis, and Aeetine -es, = [Medea].
Aegeus -ei m. [king of Athens , father of Theseus].
Aegyptus -i (1) m. , [a king of Egypt, brother of Danaus]. (2) f. [Egypt]; adj. Aegyptius and Aegyptiacus -a -um, [Egyptian].
alcedo -inis f. [the kingfisher]. Hence n. pl. alcedonia -orum , [the kingfisher's time, quietness, calm].
Alcinous -i m. [king of the Phaeacians , host of Odysseus].
alcyon -onis f. [the kingfisher].
Alexander -dri m. (1) [Paris , son of Priam, king of Troy]. (2) [Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia]. Hence Alexandria or -ea -ae, f. [a city founded by Alexander], esp. [Alexandria in Egypt]; adj. Alexandrinus -a -um, [of Alexandria].
Amphion -onis m. [king of Thebes , husband of Niobe].
Amulius -i m. [king of Alba Longa , brother of Numitor].
Amyntas -ae m. [name of several Macedonian kings].
Ancus (Marcius) -i [fourth king of Rome].
Antipater -tri m. [name of several kings of Macedonia].
Artaxerxes -is m. [name of several Persian kings].
Atlas -antis m. (1) [a mountain in Mauritania]. (2) [a mythical king and giant , changed into Mount Atlas]. Hence Atlantiades -ae, m. [a male descendant of Atlas]; Atlantis -idis, f. [a female descendant of Atlas]; adj. Atlanticus and Atlanteus -a -um.
Attalus -i m. [name of several kings of Pergamum]: adj. Attalicus -a -um.
basilicus -a -um [royal , kingly, princely]. M. as subst., [the best cast of the dice]; n. as subst., [a royal robe]; f. as subst., basilica -ae, [a basilica, a building with double colonnades, where merchants met and courts were held]. Adv. basilice, [royally].
Belus -i m. [a king , founder of Babylon]. Hence f. pl. subst., Belides -um, [the granddaughters of Belus, the Danaides].
Cecrops -opis m. [the mythical first king of Athens]; adj. Cecropius -a -um , [Cecropian, Athenian].
Celeres -um m.[early name for Roman nobles , esp. the bodyguard of the kings]
civis -is c. [citizen]; also [a fellow citizen];under a king , [subject].
Croesus -i m. [a king of Lydia , famous for his wealth].
Dareus -i m. [name of several Persian kings].
Daunus -i m. [a mythical king of Apulia , ancestor of Turnus]; adj. Daunius -a -um, [Daunian]; f. subst. Daunias -adis, [Apulia].
Deiotarus -i m. [a king of Galatia , defended by Cicero].
Diomedes -is m. (1) [a hero of the Trojan War , son of Tydeus]. (2) [king of the Bistones in Thrace].
Erechtheus -ei m. [a mythical king of Athens]; adj. Erechtheus -a -um , m. [Athenian]; subst. Erechthidae -arum, m. pl. [the Athenians].
Erichthonius -i m. [a mythical king of Athens]; also [a mythical king of Troy]; adj. Erichthonius -a -um , [Athenian or Trojan].
Geryon -onis and Geryones -ae m. myth. , [a king in Spain with three bodies, killed by Hercules].
Gyges -is and -ae m. [a king of Lydia , famous for his ring]; adj. Gygaeus -a -um.
Inachus (Inachos) -i m. [mythical king of Argos , father of Io, after whom the river Inachus in Argolis was named].
interrex -regis m. [a regent , temporary king or chief magistrate].
Iuba -ae m. [name of two Numidian kings].
Iugurtha -ae m. [a king of Numidia]; adj. Iugurthinus -a -um.
Ixion -onis m. [king of the Lapithae in Thessaly , bound to a perpetually revolving wheel in Tartarus].
Laomedon -ontis m. [a king of Troy , father of Priam].
Latinus (2) -i , m. [king of the Laurentians, host of Aeneas].
Masinissa -ae m. [king of Numidia].
Midas (Mida) -ae m. [a king of Phrygia , who turned to gold everything that he touched].
Minos -ois and -onis m. [king of Crete; after his death , a judge in Tartarus].
Mithridates -is m. [name of several kings of Pontus].
Numa -ae m. Pompilius , [the second king of Rome].
Numitor -oris m. [king of Alba , grandfather of Romulus and Remus].
Oedipus -podis and -i m. [king of Thebes , son of Laius and Jocasta, fated to kill his father and marry his mother].
Peleus -ei and -eos m. [king of Thessaly , husband of Thetis, father of Achilles]; Pelides -ae, m. [son or grandson of Peleus].
Pentheus -ei and -eos m. [a king of Thebes].
Perses (1) -ae and Perseus -ei m. [the last king of Macedonia , defeated by the Roman general Aemilius Paulus in 169 B.C.]; adj. Persicus -a -um.
Philippus -i m. [the name of several kings of Macedon]; adj. Philippeus and Philippicus -a -um; f. as subst. Philippica -ae , [one of the speeches of Demosthenes against Alexander, or of Cicero against Antony].
Pluto (-on) -onis m. [the king of the underworld]; adj. Plutonius -a -um.
Pompilius -a -um [name of a Roman gens]; esp. of Numa Pompilius , [second king of Rome].
Priamus -i m. [the last king of Troy]; adj. Priameius -a -um.
Pyrrhus -i m. (1) [son of Achilles]. (2) [a king of Epirus , enemy of the Romans].
regalis -e [of a king , royal, regal]; adv. regaliter, [regally, tyrannically].
regius -a -um [of a king , royal, regal; splendid, magnificent]. F. as subst. regia -ae, [palace, court, the royal family; capital city]. Adv. regie, [royally; tyrannically].
regnator -oris m. [ruler , king].
regno -are intransit. [to be a king , reign; to be master, be a tyrant; to prevail]; transit., in pass. regnari, [to be ruled by a king].
regnum -i n. (1) [royal power , monarchy, supremacy; tyranny]. (2) [a realm, kingdom, estate].
regulus -i m. [a petty king , or king's son, prince].
rex regis m. [ruler , king, prince, chief; monarch, tyrant].
Romulus -i m. [son of Mars , founder and first king of Rome]; adj. Romuleus and Romulus -a -um.
Saturnus -i m. (1) [the planet Saturn]. (2) [a mythical king of Latium]. Hence adj. Saturnius -a -um and Saturnalis -e; n. pl. as subst. Saturnalia -ium and -iorum , [a festival of Saturn, beginning on the December 17].
sceptrum -i n. [a scepter]; poet. [dominion , kingdom].
Seleucus -i m. [name of several kings of Syria].
Tarquinii -orum m. pl. [an old town in Etruria , whence came the Tarquin family, including two kings of Rome].
Teucer -cri and Teucrus -i m. (1) [son of Telamon , and brother of Ajax]. (2) [first king of Troy]; hence adj. Teucrus -a -um, [Trojan]; m. pl. as subst. [the Trojans]; Teucria -ae, f. [Troy].
Theseus -ei and -eos m. [a king of Athens , conqueror of the Minotaur]; adj. Theseus and Theseius -a -um, [of Theseus].
Tigranes -is m. [a king of Armenia].
Tiridates -datis m. [name of several kings of Armenia].
trabea -ae f. [a white robe with scarlet stripes and a purple seam] , worn by kings and knights.
Tros Trois m. [a king of Phrygia , after whom Troy was named]; Troia -ae, f. [the town of Troy, besieged and finally captured by the Greeks]; adj. Trous Troius, Troicus, Troianus -a -um, [Trojan]; subst. Tros Trois, m. [a Trojan]; f. adj. and subst. Troas -ados, [Trojan, a Trojan woman].
Tullius -a -um [the name of a Roman gens]; esp. of Servius Tullius , [sixth king of Rome], and of M. Tullius Cicero, [the Roman orator and statesman]. Hence adj. Tullianus -a -um, [Tullian]; n. as subst. Tullianum -i, [part of a Roman state prison].
Turnus -i m. [a king of the Rutuli , killed by Aeneas].
Tyndareus -ei and Tyndarus -i m. [king of Sparta , father of Castor and Pollux, Helen and Clytemnestra]; adj. Tyndarius -a -um; subst. m. Tyndarides -ae, [a male descendant of Tyndareus]; f. Tyndaris -idis, [a female descendant of Tyndareus].
Ulixes -is -i or -ei , m. [Latin name for Ulysses or Odysseus, husband of Penelope, king of Ithaca].
Xerxes -is m. [king of the Persians , defeated at Salamis].
altercatio -onis f. [dispute , wrangling]; legal, [cross-examination].
altercor -ari dep. [to dispute , contend, quarrel]; legal, [to cross-examine, cross- question].
compitalis -e [relating to or belonging to the crossroads]; 'Lares' , [the deities who presided over crossroads]. N. as subst. Compitalia -ium and -orum, [the festival in honor of these deities].
compitum -i n. [a place where two roads meet , crossroads].
crux crucis f. [a cross]; hence [torment , trouble]; as a term of abuse, [gallows bird].
iugum -i n. (1) [a yoke or collar]. Transf. , [a team of oxen or horses; a pair, couple; a chariot; any bond, union; the bond of love, marriage-tie; the yoke of slavery]. (2) [a cross-bar; esp. the yoke under which the vanquished were sent; the beam of a pair of scales; a ridge between mountains]; plur., poet., [mountain heights].
peremnia n. pl. [the auspices taken on crossing any running water].
quadrivium -i n. [a crossroads , place where four roads meet].
stomachosus -a -um [angry , peevish, cross]; compar. adv. stomachosius.
templum -i n. [a section , a part cut off; a space marked out by the augur for auspices; consecrated ground, esp. a sanctuary, asylum; a place dedicated to a deity, a shrine, temple; any open space, quarter, region; a rafter, crossbeam].
traicio (transicio) -icere -ieci -iectum (1) [to throw a thing (or person) across something; to convey over , transport]. (2) [to pass through or across a thing (or person); to cross, penetrate, pierce].
traiectio -onis f. [a passing over , crossing over; transferring, transposition; hyperbole].
traiectus -us m. [crossing over , passage].
transeo -ire -ii -itum [to go over , cross, pass over, go past]. Transf., [to be changed; to pass time; to pass beyond, transgress; to pass over, ignore, or touch lightly on].
transtrum -i n. [cross-beam; thwart].
trivium -i n. [a place where three roads meet , crossroads, public place].
trivius -a -um [of three ways , of crossroads]; esp. of deities worshipped at crossroads; f. as subst. Trivia -ae, [Diana or Hecate].