Title: Loving the Enemy.
rudeminnesotanRating: Rated M for Mature. (Probably anyway).
Pairing(s): broken!EunHae, Sungmin/?, Sungmin/Hyukjae.
Summary: World War three has broken out. People have chosen their sides. War... is not pretty.
Genre: AU, angst.
Notes: Warnings: Character death. Sungmin’s lover isn’t named specifically so you can think it’s
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Comments 15
/sees Sungmin's past lover as Kyuhyun, duh xD
HYUKMIN!!! Sungmin's desperation made me want to cry ;A; The emotions were beautifully written. This comment is so lousy in comparison to this fic, but know that I loved this a LOT. A lot lot lot LOT!
I'm glad you liked it too! Since I wrote it for you!
/blushes! Thank you. That is such a good complement...
( ... )
alskfjldskjf the gif! the cute! X3
OMG this was also brilliant! I really like the plot! I like the change of genres too! This was really heart-wrenching at times. T__T
Loved itttt
I love writing angst, I really do. It comes to me almost easier than fluffy kid fics lol. I think this one was especially easy to write yesterday because I was lonely all day XD And that's what Hyukjae experiences a lot. And Sungmin too. desperate loneliness. Not to mention all those other feelings too, heh.
It was heart-wrenching wasn't it? I nearly cried while writing it.
I get what you mean! Angst really is easier. That, and there is something so satisfying about reading/writing it? Haha maybe i just like crying and feeling miserable? :P
like... all those feeeeeelings (pain/angst/desperation/loneliness)... idek. I liked reading it.
Heart-wrenching... yes T_T
They're both easy to write honestly, just angst has a tendency to come easier for me at times. Depends on my mood and the music i'm listening too (i made a rock mix to write that yesterday, so it came easily :x)
It's . human. to feel those. I think that's why it's good to read sometimes.
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