Title: Hen-Biebz gone too far.
rudeminnesotanRating: NC-17.
Pairing(s): main!HenWook, ninja!others.
Summary: Henry’s fandom for Justin Bieber has just gone too… too far.
Genre: Crack, smut (yes they can go together).
Notes: This spawned from a conversation with my agi,
pinkymingo who just now noticed that Justin Bieber has a fragrance… lol.
He’s got SWAGGGER! )
Comments 32
that fragrance is a wookie magnet.. imma try it XD lol
I was so HenWook deprived and thanks for this fic~
yes~ It should work! Fruity and flowery, Wookie loves it. XD
Aww~ I wrote a few others and I'm working on one right now too. I'm Henry biased so I've been writing him non-stop lately.
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