Title: Justin Bieber Singing Toothbrush .
rudeminnesotanRating: PG.
Pairing(s): HenHyuk?.
Summary: Henry, you’re taking your obsession too far...
Genre: Crackish?.
Notes: I saw them at Walgreens. They’re real.
How far could some things be taken? That was the question Eunhyuk was asking himself when he woke up one morning to go pee and heard ‘Baby, baby baby oohhh~’ coming from the bathroom.
“Really Henli!?” He said, bursting into the door about to ask him if he was serious, only to find his mouth full of toothpaste… and said singing coming from the toothbrush in his mouth.
“Wut?” Henry mumbled around the toothbrush that was still singing, louder now that he pulled it out of his mouth so he could spit out the toothpaste.
“Why is your toothbrush singing Justin Bieber?” Hyukkie asked, reaching for his own tooth brush, trying to ignore the singing.
“Because it’s AWESOME,” He replied, “You wish your toothbrush sang.” Because everyone wants a Justin Bieber Singing Toothbrush (as seen on TV apparently).
“Uh. No.” replied Eunhyuk, stuffing his normal, non-singing toothbrush into his mouth so he could brush his teeth.
“Just jealous~” Henry said after a swish and spat, heading out of the bathroom humming.
Eunhyuk just stared at the toothbrush of Henry’s after that before just shaking his head. At least Henry was still cute.