Title: Repaying Wookie.
rudeminnesotanRating: NC-17.
Pairing(s): HenWook.
Summary: Wookie found the BEST gift EVER for Henry!
Genre: Crack!Smut.
Notes: A follow up fic to
Hen-Biebz gone too far. And it really
does exist. “HENLI-SSHI! HENLI-SSHI!!!” Wookie was yelling for the maknae of Super Junior M as he entered their dorm in Taiwan. He’d just got back from shopping with Zhou Mi and had found the MOST amazing thing EVER. But he wasn’t getting any response! “HENNNNLLLLIII-SSH--Omf!”
“Hyung! I’m here! What is it?” Henry came out of his room the first time his name was yelled and went over to clamp a hand over Wookie’s mouth as he continued to yell for him; a hand that was promptly licked by Wookie with a devious look in his eyes.
“EW!” exclaimed Henry as he jerked his hand away, wiping it off on his tank top and then again on his sweatpants.
“Henli-ssshiiii…” Wookie said with a pout on his face, “Don’t wipe it off.” Then he leaned up and stole a quick kiss from his lips before hopping over to the kitchen table. Anything like that still always made Henry blush ferociously since he wasn’t used the idea of doing stuff with a guy at. At least, Wookie was prettier than any girl so that thought alone always made it better to think of.
“Sorry hyung…” Henry replied, following Wookie into the kitchen whilst licking his lips-Wookie always tasted so sweet.
“I know the perfect way for you to make it up to me.” alleged Wookie as he set down his shopping bags. The statement was intriguing to say the least so Henry just responded with questioning eyes. “Well it’s also part of why I was yelling your name. I got you a gift too.”
“A GIFT? Yaay! What’d you get me!?” The thought of ‘repaying’ Wookie gone with the idea of a gift; YAAY GIFT!
“But first you have to promise to let me do what I want to do, okay?” Pleading eyes looked at Henry, causing him to falter.
“All right… I guess.”
“Kay good! I got you~~” His voice was singsongy as he pulled out a package of nail polish. Henry was totally focused on the horrible idea of having his nails painted until…
Proud of himself, Wookie nodded, “Yup! I found it at the store and just knew~ you would love it!”
“Oh Wookie-hyung, I do!” Henry snatched up the package and began to look it over. “One Less Lonely Girl Nail Polish-Oh Biebz. You definitely know how to get the girls…”
While Henry was preoccupied with reading the package, Wookie had snaked his arms around Henry’s neck. “So you like it?”
Seeing Wookie so close Henry jumped at first with a gentle gasped, “Ah!” Then blinked a few times and nodded, “Yeah I do.” And since Wookie was already in that position he gave him a hug.
“So~ you’ll let me paint your nails?” Yet again the look on his face was so hopeful that Henry just couldn’t say no. Not after some hesitation of course, but he eventually gave into the eternal maknae’s request.
Later that night after dinner they were sitting on Wookie’s bed, because Henry’s room was far too crowded and messy for them to do ANYTHING in, at least that’s what Wookie thought. What Henry was curious about was why Wookie had an entire pedicure set waiting for him on the bed when he showed up but best not to question things, he supposed.
“What are those for?” Henry asked as Wookie pulled out the toe separators.
“They keep your toes spread apart so that the paint doesn’t smudge.” And he began to push them on causing Henry to squirm with laughter. Curious, Wookie purposefully tickled the bottom of Henry’s foot.
“ACK Hyung-haha!-Don’t! Heheh. That~ It tickles!” Henry squirmed even more and Wookie just got a huge grin on his face.
“Okay, I’ll be careful~”
The rest were put on more carefully so as to not tickle Henry too much and the Bieber fan got to pick out the color he wanted even, which was called ‘I’ve got Bieber Fever’ surprisingly enough-a rich matte dark purple. The way Henry figured it, dark purple could possibly be considered manly, unlike the glittery purple that was also in the set.
Wookie was meticulous about preparing Henry’s nails for the nail polish-more so than he should have been. Even once all of the polish was on and looking gorgeous with both a base coat AND top coat, Wookie put some lotion on his hands and began to massage Henry’s feet.
It tickled at first, but then Henry leaned back and began to enjoy it. “Ohohoh---mm… Right there. Oh fuck hyung…” The curse word used as Henry began to feel more relaxed than he’d been in a long time, even with the purple polish on his toes.
However Henry’s statement when straight to Wookie’s groin and he began to massage up Henry’s legs which the still oblivious Henry enjoyed with yet another moan, lifting his hands up to cover his eyes.
‘Good…’ Wookie thought, as he crawled up farther on Henry’s body, massaging Henry’s thighs now, ‘He won’t notice when I…’ and he began to pull down Henry’s pants. And it was true, he didn’t notice. In fact, he adjusted a bit and allowed his hyung to pull them down.
Naturally it was a bit obvious when Wookie began to palm Henry through his boxers what was really going on but the second he moved to protest Wookie was there with his rather skilled tongue invading his mouth and successfully shutting him up. Not only did it do that, but it also completely screwed up the ‘normal wiring’ of his brain and soon Henry was trying to pull Wookie down for more.
“Touch me too Henliii~” Wookie purred as they broke the kiss for air. Normally the supposed straight Henry would have hesitated but with the condition he was in he just couldn’t.
Henry’s hand was placed over Wookie’s obvious bulge, causing him to moan out softly, breaking the kiss once more. The name ‘Henli’ came off of Wookie’s lips not long after followed by a, ‘I want to feel you…’
That was how the pair wound up half undressed and laying on their sides. Wookie was already easily working his hands over Henry who was still a bit cautious about the situation. However once Wookie’s mouth enveloped him his own hands began to move over Wookie.
Soon they were both sucking on each other, though Wookie was doing a far better job of it than Henry was-however those lips and those cheeks were definitely good for something and Wookie moaned around that which filled his mouth.
Afterward when both were thoroughly satisfied, Wookie curled up next to Henry’s side.
“We need to do things like this more often.” He said, giving a little nip to Henry’s cheek before kissing it softly and then nuzzling it. Mmmm~ He still smelt so good.
“Hmmm…” Henry just hummed in response before taking a look down to his toes… then he frowned. “Hyung… Look.” And he wiggled his toes. “They got smudged.”
“Awww~” Wookie replied, leaning up to give Henry a kiss. “It’s okay. Guess we’ll just have to start from the top.” And he moved away from Henry’s side, more than ready to start the whole process all over again.
A/N:Oh gods. xD! I saw this nail polish at Target and just lawled, though I got the idea for the fic totally randomly: x thanks to