I totally got my hot tub used from craigslist. It was a great deal and has worked great since. When you are ready to start shopping, let me know and I have a couple of tips. The main one is that you should only buy stuff that is full and on and running when you go and see it. That way you know the heater and pump both work, and there are no leaks. Also, a pump is less than $200 to have replaced, so if you find something you love with a busted pump, haggle accordingly.
thanks! I think we're going the used craigslist route as well. The owners of the house used to have their hot tub in this awesome little secluded patio behind the garage, so it has all the electrical set up ready for it.
Dude! We have a gold piggy bank that we empty out when we go on trips. We (ahem, I) just dumped and rolled and cashed for this upcoming weekend for Disneyland and Ink N Iron!!!
Comments 4
The owners of the house used to have their hot tub in this awesome little secluded patio behind the garage, so it has all the electrical set up ready for it.
but I want one I can SMASH!!!!
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