aliunde_rpg application.

Nov 13, 2011 16:32

Player Information
Name: Ca
Personal LJ: iturnedaway
AIM/Plurk/etc.: n0tJesus (AIM), menaceonkeys (plurk)
Time zone: EST
Other Characters: n/a

Character Information
Name: Spike
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Timeline Summary: post 7x20 "Touched" where Spike confesses the depth of his feelings for Buffy (again), but for the first time with a soul. It's deep stuff.
Personality: Spike as a character is one of the arcs that changes the most throughout canon, and continues to evolve despite canon point. But at this point in time, there are a few key events that factor into his personality as it is now. Acquiring his soul, saving Sunnydale, and his entire dynamic of his relationship with Buffy are probably the most important to Buffy: the Vampire Slayer Season 7. One thing that doesn't change from unsouled to souled Spike is that he continues to throw himself into harm's way and does almost everything without thinking it through first. Post-soul however there is a sense of desperation here, and a sense of redemption through.

Those are two of the most important elements of Spike's character, pre-soul and post: love and violence. For him, the two often go hand-in-hand. He and Drusilla tortured each other, and Buffy and he were very rough with each other which eventually led to his attempting to rape her. He never completely forgives himself for that. Violence drives his character, no matter which side he's on. When he has the chip, the moment he discovers he can hurt demons his drive is reinignited. He tried to commit suicide when he thought he couldn't fight. Though Spike is intelligent, because of the ridicule he faced for his intellectualism and poetry in his human life (and beyond), he hides it more comfortably behind the dumb brute Spike. Without the fight, he feels useless, and it's when he starts being a hero and fighting along Buffy's side that he truly finds his calling.

Regarding love, he falls easy and hard like a rock, but once he's in he's in and he doesn't let go. Even to the end with Drusilla, when he chose Buffy over her, it caused him a great deal of turmoil and pain. He never truly loses love for someone, no matter what they've done. And though it's odd to say of a vampire, he has and will forgive almost anything. In Buffy 3x8 “A Lover's Walk,” he says what I think are some of the most pivotal lines in his character anywhere in canon. To Buffy and Angel he says: "Love isn't brains, children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work its will. I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." He knows how hopeless he is when the day is done, but he has a lot of feelings, and a genuinely big heart.

Buffy is so important to Spike because she was the one person who didn't turn her back on him when he was chipped. He asks the Scoobies to help him, and though he'd been trying to kill them for years Buffy agrees to keep him fed if he fights alongside them. Over the following months he falls in love with her, and this realization leads into his redemption. After they begin sleeping together in Season 6, Spike becomes even more desperate for her approval. The tragically memorable "almost-rape" scene haunts him probably even still. He proclaims that he doesn't want  to be the sort of man who does something like that. This is the catalyst for reacquiring his soul. He returns to Sunnydale sometime later to gain Buffy's love and trust with his shiny new soul, and in Season 7 he at least gets the latter. She has his chip removed by the Initiative when it begins misfiring in a way that may kill him. While this only makes him love her more, he doesn't believe he deserves to be with her, and settles for their unwieldy friendship.

Though he initially seems self-interested, his motivations often prove to be altruistic. He cares for women especially, not enecessarily in a romantic fashion but also in a caretaker role. When he was human, he took care of his mother as she died of consumption, and that carries over into his unlife (even before his soul). He shows in taking care of Dawn, befriending Joyce, and doing anything Buffy ever needs him to. He takes a really serious beating from Glory in Buffy Season 5 in order to save Dawn, and no one asked him to, nor was he getting anything out of it. This is where his redemption arc truly begins. He feels a degree of triumph from being needed, even from Angel whom he claims to hate. He feels this especially from love interests such as Dru and Buffy, and even Harmony. He needs to feel useful in the eyes of others or he quickly loses his self-worth. Though his swagger is apparent, it's also unmistakable overcompensation for his low self-esteem.

Overall Spike is a self-sacrificing character, and will not hesitate to help those in need. He'll undoubtedly patrol nights and "help the hopeless" because at this canon point he's very similar to the way Angel was in Season 1. He's struggling with himself and wanting to make amends to the world, and he's really taking this fate thing to heart. Since he and Angel fought over the Shanshu prophecy (proclaiming a champion vampire with a soul would redeem himself and become human again), he feels as though he has a destiny to help people. And even if it doesn't come with a shiny prophecy, he's willing to risk his life [again] to keep the world from going under. Even though he's a vampire, he knows how temporary life is, since by now he's died twice. He feels his own mortality but it doesn't make him less likely to stick his neck out. If anything, it's just the opposite.
Powers, Skills, and Abilities:
- He doesn't age.
- He heals rapidly. (but he can scar as evidenced by the scar over his eyebrow).
- The only way to kill him is by removing his head, burning him (Sunlight or with fire), or by wood through the heart.
- He's allergic to garlic and crosses burn his flesh.
- He has super strength.
- He has super senses (smelling, hearing, sight - all of this is strongest at night obviously).
- He can sense magical or 'otherworldly' presences. He calls it 'The Big Bad.'
- He is highly skilled in armed/unarmed combat.
- He has experience with magic, though mostly through Dru and not himself.
- And before I get more and more random with this, as with all Joss vampires, he has a "game face" in which his demon face is revealed with fangs and all. It's speculated that vamps are more "primal" when in game face and can more easily tap into their demon side. They often vamp out while drinking blood even if not from a live source.

First Person: (voice).
Buffy..? [But then he trails off, and his voice hardens. And for all that he's stupid, he gets this pretty instantly.]

I've seen a dimension or two in my time, but this is new. It isn't often I get to see something new. You know, it would almost be novel if I didn't have someplace to be right now. Somewhere decidedly not here.

So, do what you will--I've survived tortures you can't even imagine. I even died once, I mean. Technically.

All this threatening to say, I don't really care what this place has got in store for us. I'll survive it, and I'll look mighty good doing it.

Third Person:
This was worse than limbo; worse than it ever had been before. He couldn't be a monster, and he wasn't a man. Now he couldn't even fight, couldn't even protect the one person-- He was well and truly useless, once and for all. And while he could feel his soul, squirming just under his skin, there was no humanity, no nothing else to go with it. He was just... empty. And to pour salt in an evergrowing wound, Buffy was here, just to make all of his weaknesses that much more glaringly apparent.

He wanted to be selfish, but he couldn't allow it. He had to be here for Buffy in all of his wanton worthlessness, even if all he could do was look at her in a vaguely comforting way. He owed her that much, Hell, he owed her the world.

But he couldn't face her yet, not like this. And so he paced and smoked another cigarette, and waited for the Sun to come up. He knew it was too much to ask for it to burn him, and so he merely looked up and took in its light. He didn't even deserve this, a kindness reserved for real people. Ones who lived and breathed. But he would always be Spike, soul or no soul, vampire or something else entirely; he would always take what he could get.

It was hardly surprising that she was the one to do the approaching, Spike was a coward after all. At least, he fancied himself one. And as always, her forgiveness hurt more than a roundhouse kick to the throat ever could, and he wished against wish she would seize the last of her sanity and put him out of his misery already.

"I just want to help." It was so, so lame, but it was all he had left.
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