So- I thought I should just put it out there. I'm really really liberal. Not in terms of 'I follow to the T everything that defines a Dems', but more with the notion that I think everyone has the right to chose.
Let's breakdown that sentence, shall we? Everyone-has-the-right-to-choose. Whether it pertains to marriage, sex, guns, employment, pregnancy...anything. Equality is my stance and choosing is my game. If there is something that blocks the choice of the common citizen, I will most likely be opposed to it (as long as that choice doesn't hurt or hinder another being). The only policy I do support that hinders the life of another is abortion...but that topic is so much more complicated than the life of the child and the morality of the mother.
Right of Marriage: I will not support anything that hinders the rights of individual beings. I can't stand the notion of changing the constitution to prevent those of the same sex access to marriage. There is no amendment is the constitution the takes away right. I mean, the first 10 are the Bill OF Rights. There is supposed to be a separation of State and Church, and as long as we follow that fundamental policy of our government, there should be no restriction of rights to those of the same sex. Period. I'm a Christian, but I will not stand by and watch the Right Wing moralists shit over those who don't fit in with their moral code.
Guns: I don't like them, but that's not my call to make for others. Gun violence is on the rise. I have seen and known people who have been maimed by the bullets of the street. But I believe the problem of gun violence has more to do with the impoverished lives some live than guns themselves.
Sex: The issue of abortion wouldn't be such a problem if we invested more in comprehensive sex education than abstinence only education. It has been proven that CSE works. So let's use it, then we won't have to worry about too many abortions