STOLEN!!! from
girlxjunk. Because I'm a plundering pirate. Arrr.
I used to be so anti-quiz, but... but... meh!
1. If there are 3 wells (love, beauty & creativity) & you could only drink from 1, which would it be?
Creativity. I'm bitter and jealous, and need to amass all the creativity I can get. I AM A HOARDING DRAGON.
2. With problems, whom do you run to?
I pretty much bother all my friends a LITTLE bit, so that none of them feel completely tormented by bickering, but I get it all out in little segments. *laughs* Pretty much. o.o It's a good tactic!
3. Which finger is your favorite?
I hate them all. I'm a chubbster. Maybe my pinkies.
4. What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?
Hmmm... I've probably eaten many a disgusting thing, but nothing comes to mind right away. Let's sseeee... probably any of our stupid Maccie food. Seriously, our food is crap. It's like: olive oil, leeks, and hot spices... finger-lickin' good, claims Baba Booshka.
5. Would you tell a guy/girl you like him/her?
Omg leik ja k!!!!!!! You can tell this quiz was written by a 12-year-old. (Which makes me question why I'm filling out answers... hmm!) Yeah... I'm pretty straight-forward I think. Er... I think. I feel bad for boys who feel they always have to be the first to ask. Poor buggers. I try to be frank, but usually "I like you"s come out as "Maybe-sorta-kinda"s.
6. If no, why?
If no, it'd be because I'm too shy... but if I'm too shy there's no point, is there?
7. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead?
*Screams* I don't know, but I'd feel sorry for anyone playing the role of myself. Maybe Jenny... because she's Chinese, and I would have many a laugh at a Sylvia of Chinese heritage. Or a black gangsta. OR any Monty Python chap... because men playing females is just awesome.
8. Do you like your handwriting?
Generally... because my writing tends to be slightly messy for a girl, and not bubbly... and I like that.
9. Who are you jealous of?
Everyone smarter than I am. *shrugs* At least I'll admit it.
10. What kind of person do you want to marry?
O_O... Erm... I think the answer to this question goes without saying, since we're all looking for the same thing roughly.
11. Where were you last kissed?
Kissed... or "kissed"? o.o My brother kissed my cheek a moment ago. He's weird that way. EW INCEST.
12. What do you put on your sandwiches?
Horse fucking radish, my fine feathered friends.
14. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I think I would exchange music with myself, at the very least. *laughs*
16. Where were you last night?
Ye olde "hood", homies. I was venting on my piano.
17. Do you drink beer?
I like it... but I have to be in one of those "Grr argh *guzzle*" moods. Not much of a drinker.
18. Who do you think is the most adorable animated character?
Eeyore. :}
19. Do looks matter for you?
Yes, but I'm more concerned with how a young man handles himself.
20. What color suits your personality?
21. Do you pray?
If praying includes swearing to whatever powers may be, then yes. *Chuckles*
22. Are you trendy?
In my own little "I'll throw this on" type of way, maybe.
23. What do you do to prevent anger?
Listen to music.
24. Who is your idol?
Romeo Dallaire... Woolf...
25. What does the fourth text message say in your mobile?
If I didn't delete them all, maybe I'd know.
26. Names in your missed call list?
Just about everyone who calls me (if they do). I miss calls all the time. o.o
27. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Ehhh, I was more of a crafty girl. Give me art supplies, and I'll be happy for hours. (Stupid Americans... spell your favourites with the 'u'.)
28. What will you do after this?
Attempt my Medieval history readings. A moment ago I picked them up and the first word I saw was "praemonstratension". Heh. Yeah. Needless to say, I put them away temporarily. --_--
29. What are you waiting for?
*tears up*... Y'know what? You're right! *jumps off a cliff*
30. Does it bother you when things aren't symmetrical, even, or just don't seem "right"?
Err... depends. Usually I revel in the 'not-quite-symmetrical'.