I've had a lot going on since my move. A few days ago I installed Mint Linux. It works nicely. I have to say it's one of the best Linux distros I've tried to date
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I have not played Paper Mario yet, but the sequel seemed fairly kiddie to me, as do most modern Mario games. Game Informer rated the first game slightly higher but still average, saying that it's for people who never played an RPG before. Nevertheless, it's the N64 game I'm most considering downloading.
While it's clearly not as difficult as an average RPG, it's not intended to be. Unlike Super Mario RPG, it was intended to be a mixture of an Adventure game and an RPG.
It has a lot of silly humor, some mentioning things like "there are a lot of intellectual books on this shelf, and a few less intellectual". It's all pretty silly, but not childish.
It was when gaming companies thought that games had to be bloody and violent to be for adults. You know, the years before Katamari Dimachi.
Comments 2
It has a lot of silly humor, some mentioning things like "there are a lot of intellectual books on this shelf, and a few less intellectual". It's all pretty silly, but not childish.
It was when gaming companies thought that games had to be bloody and violent to be for adults. You know, the years before Katamari Dimachi.
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