I could never really get into Stargate Atlantis. In part because I loved Stargate SG-1 infinitely more and the characters in Atlantis could never catch my interest. But it's frickin' awesome that you're into Atlantis, I had no idea! Another almost (sort of) fandom we share.
How the hell did that never come up? I've only been wicked obsessed with it since like, you know, forever. I'm a total SG-1 fan too, but Atlantis was totally worth it and now they're killing it to make some new spin off meant to draw in a younger demographic. Guess I'm not young enough. ^__^;;
[Hello, by the way, this is me at my other, brand spankin' new, totally unnecessary, fanfiction lj. Friend me?]
Comments 6
[Hello, by the way, this is me at my other, brand spankin' new, totally unnecessary, fanfiction lj. Friend me?]
Another spin-off? WRRRY?
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