With seconds to spare, I wheeled the bicycle in for its last complementary service. Gears have been a-cluckin', brakes have been a-shweelin'. It's all up to the guru, now.
Plenty of people use
Python these days. Now that I'm pressing you, what can you say about it and which examples and projects should I learn from?
Comments 4
have a look at http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python and the O'Rielly's book Python cookbook for specific uses... otherwise you cant go past the pydoc http://docs.python.org/lib/lib.html
its very powerful, and is very quick to whip up your program. I've used it for all our automated build stuff, for witting channel simulators, automatic document generation...
if your looking to add a GUI to it, use BOA Constructor with WxPython
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