In the interest of balance...

Jul 28, 2006 12:37

The right-wing Israeli view .

A Kingdom of Priests, Ruled by Dwarfs

by Jack EngelhardJul 27, '06 / 2 Av 5766

Those of us who root for Israel are still waiting to exhale.

Where's the headline that tells us that Israel has delivered a knockout punch? We search for it on Fox, MSNBC, even CNN, and certainly in our local and national newspapers, but it just won't give. The bad news keeps on coming. Israel is being scorched by rockets and missiles and the IDF is fighting gallantly, but not as swiftly and as decisively as in the past.

We got spoiled in 1948, 1967, 1973 - wars with a beginning, a middle and an end. Entebbe marked Israel as a nation of heroes.What happened?

My guess is that the magic left Israel the moment Yitzchak Rabin shook the hand of Yasser Arafat. From there, Israel learned retreat and defeat. Or rather, Israel's leaders conditioned the people to accept passivity and humiliation, all for the illusion of a "peace process."

Call it, rather, a softening-up process, whereby Israel has been drowsed by the lullabies of its rulers. Ehud Barak pulled the IDF out of Lebanon in what the Arab world perceived as panic. Hizbullah moved in. The same panic motivated the regime of Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert to flee from Gaza; and Hamas moved in. These leaders (or their proxies), from Rabin onward, must answer for every Israeli life that's been lost as they, these leaders, went whoring after peace. Rabin, Barak, Binyamin Netanyahu, Sharon, Olmert, Shimon Peres - all must explain how it has come to this; this day when Israel is vulnerable to thousands of rocket attacks. Where were they when those underground tunnels were being built? Most were busy slandering religious Israelis. Sharon and Olmert had no time for Hamas or Hizbullah, busy as they were bulldozing several thousand "nationalist" Israelis out of Gaza.

Today, Olmert speaks heroically. Too late, Mr. Prime Minister. Also today, Israel's failed politicians continue to show up on our television screens as experts on this crisis; and that is disgusting. Mr. Barak, half of this is your fault. Please, stay out of our living rooms. Stay home and hide your shame.

Sharon and Olmert kept talking about "painful concessions"; and here it is, the pain. First came the concessions, and now, here's the pain.But who knew the pain would be this bad, so bad that as the rest of us weep, Tony Kushner and the Washington Post's Richard Cohen may have reason to laugh? They've been saying that Israel (not the 22 tyrannical and fanatical countries that surround Israel) is a "mistake." Incredibly, they are joined in Israel by journalists, writers, filmmakers, academics, jurists, and, as always, the political elite. They too must be held accountable for their treachery. I know the people of Israel first-hand, from my service in Haifa - yes, the same Haifa being bombed today.

Israelis, 99 percent of them, are like Americans. They love peace, cherish liberty. They continue to advance all civilization in technology and science. They are, indeed, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation. They deserve better. And if there is a God in heaven... Well, if there is, He'd better hurry up.

Source: Arutz Sheva

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