go read my friend colin's blog entry. It rocks my socks off!
...leave him a comment,im sure he'd enjoy it.
http://colinksu.blogspot.com/ Freedom isn't free
No, there's a hefty fuckin' fee
And if you don't throw in your buck o'five
...Who will?
- "Freedom Isn't Free" (D.V.D.A.)
Why are college campuses so obcessed over getting John Kerry into office?I walk around this school every day and all I see are Kerry posters and Kerry propaganda surrounding me. This is something I just can't understand...Why are a bunch of college students who spend more time worrying about hooking up with random sloots and drinking their asses off worried about who's in office? Why John Kerry? Is it because he's not George W. Bush? What makes Kerry such an amazing canidate for office? While we're on the topic...Why are they so anti-Bush? Is it because ass-clowns like Michael Moore infected their brains with their half-truths and whole lies? Want to know what I think the two reasons people my age will usually give?
1) He's going to bring the draft back.
2) He's a stupid head.
Now, #2 is such a pointlessly stupid argument that it doesn't even deserve my attention, so I'll go with #1.
The Draft. The forced enrollment of millions of hundreds of thousands of US citizens age 18-25 in the United States Armed Forces. Something the Democrats have used as a tool to turn people away from George W. Bush and his re-election campaign and towards Democratic canidate John Kerry, who is promising that there will never be a draft under his regime.
Want to know something interesting? There has been two bills proposed to Congress dealing with a draft in recent memory. Who proposed those bills? Sen. Ernest Hollings of South Carolina and Rep. Charles Rangel of New York. What do they have in common?
...They're both Democrats.
There is a canidate for election who has made mandatory governmental service *Cough*Draft*Cough* a primary objective to be completed by the first 100 days of his term of office and his name isn't Bush.
From a cache of John Kerry's official website, this was an offical campaign promise that was put away for safe keeping once the Democrats decided to use the threat of a draft to attack George W. Bush:
http://www.mcgath.com/kerryslavery.html (Oh, and in case you're curious...We had the whole "Free College for 2 years in the military" thing back in 60s, and that didn't stop Kerry and like-mided people from whining and complaining about it.)
Sooo...What do you call someone who preaches that the Bush administration has a secret plan in the works to bring the draft back, but at the same time, wants to secretly implement mandatory government service?
Look at it this way...This is John Kerry. We should be used to him lying and hiding things to appeal to popular opinion by now. That's how he's gotten this far, isn't it?
So fellow college students? Next time you wave that John Kerry banner proudly and spit on everything George W. Bush...Think about what you're trying to elect into office.
Oh, and just for shits and giggles, here's a picture of Kerry in the NORTH Vietnam (That's the communist one we fought in the Vietnam War, if you're wondering) Communist War Remnants Museum, which honors foreigners who contributed to their "victory" over America in the Vietnam War:
(picture removed for time's sake.)
...And we want him as our president, why? Oh that's right, because his name isn't George W. Bush. Pathetic reasoning, isn't it?
You know, what's interesting about this election is that I really have no respect for either canidate. I don't like John Kerry because he'll quite literally say ANYTHING he has to to get into office, and I don't and never have approved of the way George Bush has handled the war and relations with our foreign partners, so you know what I'm going to do?
...Not vote for a Presidential canidate.
What people fail to realize is that voting for a canidate just to vote is a terrible waste of our right to vote. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD. I can buy a shotgun at Wal-Mart right now and kill someone with it as I leave the store. Should I do that? No. Should I vote for Kerry or Bush just because I have the right to vote, even through I don't think either canidate deserves my vote? No.
Im my opinion, it's better to vote on local issues that will effect on a more immediate level. It's not a shame to pass on voting for the presidential election because you either are not informed enough on the topic or don't approve of the canidates running. What IS a shame, however, is going out and voting because you have been told that you HAVE to. You're not helping the country out by voting out of obligation and not free-will. THAT is a waste of a vote, my friends.
Oh, and P. Diddy? "Vote or Die" can suck it right here, pal...
Lòi chà o xin cà o biêt,