...after reading my last entry, ive decided im not going to sit on my ass and care about stupid people anymore. im going to whore myself out to the highest (and hottest) bidder, and ill be hers forever...Or until she gets bored with me...um...
well, starting off, ill be your bitch, 24/7, cuz thats how i am with every girlfriend ive ever had! you can keep me from my friends, relatives, family, anything that perks my interest! just be sure to start crying when i get fed up, so i can feel bad, and forgive you, so as to assure the next time you want to walk all over me, i let you do it again, no questions asked!
next, you get my indie/emo/hardcore status! if youre preppy, this is the bargain for you! you get to hang with all the pseudo-cool, intellectual,alternative styled types, and even be allowed to listen to their music, simply because of my street cred! you wont ever have to worry about going to a concert for someone other than a pop-punk band or rap/hip-hop/r&b group ever again, aslong as im on your arm...you name the show,you name the band, my indie/emo/hardcore credit will get you respect like no other. complete with fake homemade wristbands to get you in for free!!!
And best of all, im disposable!!! whenever you want to be rid of me, just stop calling, or cheat on me, whatever you prefer! ill leave you alone, and never bother you again!its the ultimate safety net! you get to have me around whenever you want, and when youre done,its as simple as throwing away a babys diaper...just shit on me, and toss me to the curb!!!
so, as my 30 second LJ spot is up, im gonna leave you to decide on this wonderful deal! and if you act now, ill even throw in five, count 'em FIVE personally mixed cds! every song, hand picked by me, to make you feel like i couldnt live without you! These cd's normally run at the cost of My Heart, but theyre being added on today, as a special gift to you, our viewers!!!And if you use your credit card, youll also receive the limited,"born again virgin" edition, at no additional cost! just tell me you dont want me to touch you, and youll never have to worry about me being horny, or wanting to show you affection ever!! again, thats a special just from me, to you, our viewers at home!
*some restrictions apply.offer not valid in hawaii or maine.Envelopes must be postmarked by 1/3/05.*