Application: Exitvoid

Sep 04, 2009 15:12

PERSONAL JOURNAL: zombie_fodder
ARE YOU 16 OR OVER?: Yes indeedy!
CONTACT: AIM: BetterThanAker, Plurk: Soozaphone

CHARACTER NAME: Shinjiro Aragaki
SERIES: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 [FES], Character page for Shinjiro
CANON POINT: Post-death, october 4th, 2009 in-game
AGE: 18 (but just barely)
APPEARANCE: See Character page link. :3


PERSONALITY: Shinjiro is pretty much everything you'd expect from alleytrash. He's crude with his words, direct and blunt when need be, and he doesn't care about offending others with his opinions, or what people think of him. He's content to let the world pass him by, preferring to just be ignored or given up on. He doesn't need people, people don't need him. There's a certain security in having no expectations upon you and Shinjiro uses that to the fullest. He keeps people at bay, never drawing too close for both his and their benefit.

He's stubborn and bullheaded when he puts his mind to something, but quiet and controlled enough to think his plans through (Unlike his best friend, who he describes as 'a damn fool.'). The only issue is, Shinjiro's priorities are a little skewed: He's stubbornly set on self-destruction. After causing the death of a woman two years ago, Shinjiro has accepted that he is as fault and is a murderer, having taken away a young woman's life and taken away a boy's mother. He's accepted responsibility, almost to a fault. Shinjiro cannot forgive himself, as he can only see the things he might have prevented-had he followed Akihiko's advice and not joined SEES, perhaps his Persona wouldn't have gone out of control-if he was able to control his Persona in the first place, there wouldn't have been a problem. His own weakness lead to her demise, and so he strives to make amends-giving into taking the lethal drugs to control his persona. Killing himself is alright so long as it assures that he won't kill another innocent.

As he's set on destroying himself, Shinjiro shoves others away. If no one cares about him, no one will feel bad when he inevitably dies and rots away in a gutter someplace. No one will miss him, and nothing of value will be lost. Having people close to him disrupts this, kicking in his guilt again-he knows what he's doing even if they don't, and he knows the pain he's sure to cause them. He doesn't want to burden anyone else with his own issues.

Under the crass exterior, there's brief hints of the person he used to be-you know, before giving into the self-loathing, angry, stubborn son of a bitch he shows the whole world, his best friend included. In game, he'll still step in and stop a girl he doesn't know from being raped in an alley (as when Yukari and Co. first really meet him,) and he'll still come to visit Akihiko in the hospital when his friend is getting his arm looked at (Though there was also the other purpose of bringing Akihiko information from the streets.) He still cares deeply about dogs, going out of his way to buy Koromaru expensive dog food, and heartwarming tales of puppies being washed away in rivers still make him tear up. Shinjiro's actually a good person deep down- he wants to do what's right, and he wants to make things better. His perspective is just a little warped after seeing himself as a murderer, and therefore part of the problem.

At the same time, though, he's still an eighteen year old kid. He acts mature, tough, and unfazed, but there's still the occasional tendency to overreact, or get in fights. He still has a sense of humour, dry though it may be, and he's still laden with faults and insecurities that he's all too aware of. While Shinjiro is usually excellent at reading situations and people, he has blinders on in that he can never see anything personal objectively, never fully being convinced that he's not as terrible a person as he feels he is.

ABILITIES: Shinjiro has the power of Persona: That is, he is capable of summoning a manifestation of his soul in the form of a figure from classical mythology. His Persona takes the form of Castor of the Dioscuri, personified as a large, iron-wrought rider. His Persona grants him no elemental strengths, but he has no weaknesses either; everything does equal/balanced damage, no matter the type of atteck. His stats are also relatively balanced, though his greatest areas come in strength and endurance. Personae strengthen their users in various ways, and Castor turns Shinjiro into a tanking character, rendering him capable of wielding a full-sized, double-bladed battle-axe in one hand easily. His strength his pretty disproportionate to his leaner, street-hollowed build.

Castor can only learn physical attacks, and must be summoned from his psyche with an evoker (or manually,) to use them: He also gives Shinjiro a passive healing ability, regenerating about 5% of his health every turn in battle, though it hardly makes up for how much of his health Castor devours per attack. Castor can also 'counter' skills, turning a percentage of physical hits back upon their attacker and summoning no damage himself.

More skill info is available at the SMT Wiki, and I generally pull him around level 50.

-ONE Dark Red, woolen peacoat, Pockets containing:
     →An old pocketwatch
     →An evoker
     →Handfuls of lint, a few dog biscuits
     →A small, zip-loc back full of unmarked pills (Persona Suppressants)
-ONE Red Armband (S.E.E.S. Standard issue)
-ONE Black beanie (ugly as sin)
-No weaponry, accesories, or Armor. In game, after his death Main Character can bust into his room and reclaim all of his battle equipment, so I presume he didn't bring it with him.

It's over a year old, but my first entry at Siren's Pull.

And another old log! Apparently I am being super-lazy about samples... dfklajs. Let me know if you need fresh ones, I don't mind!
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