Title: Musical Aptitude ( 01/01 )
Written by Ruine
Disclaimer: Star Ocean - Till the End of Time © Square-Enix & Tri-Ace
Character(s): Luther Lansfeld, Fayt Leingod
Pairing(s): Luther Lansfeld x Fayt Leingod
Warning(s): Unbeta'ed, Heavy Sexual Innuendo, Shounen-ai
Status: Edited & Finished
Rating: Humor/Romance, PG-15
Summary: A short but
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Comments 7
i love it. ^_^
Wow, that was quick, I just posted! I was going to post the link to this and the other drabble -- which I'm just polishing and struggling to find a damn title -- in about another hour to the Community.
Once again, thank you for the comments, I'm happy to know there are people who take some pleasure -- perverse and otherwise -- from my drabbles. I had the exact sentiments when I was writing this. No, I don't pick on Fayt, Luther does and he controls me. .:.demented grin.:.
For Fayt? Hell yeah. X3 Luther, on the other hand, is reaping the benefits.
Thank you for the comments and always taking the time to leave them. Yes, Luther is very wicked. Or, at the very least, the one haunting my Mindscape is. :D My 'poor' Fayt-muse is constantly on his guard but that's not always saved him from Luther.
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