The Dick is turned into a robin series by
vocallight (WIP)
Pairings: none? pre-Dick/Roy?
Comments: Dick as a bird is so cute and adorable! And then when another Robin got involved, I literally gave a whoop and pumped my fist in the air. The characters and their actions are very believable, the story lighthearted and humorous. And Dick as a bird. So adorable. It's like when you look up youtube videos of cute kittens or puppies all rolled into one DCU fic with plot. Sadly unfinished.
Flight of Hope which was inspired by
Bright Essence I: Darkness Rising by
bradygirl_12 Feather in Your Cap Pin Feathers! Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board Birds of a Feather which in turn inspired
Ruffled Feathers by