Title: Dance With The Devil
Author: Kate (
Rating: PG-13 for hell
Category: Gen
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Through season four
Summary: Dean falls; giving in to Alastair.
Disclaimer: Kripke owns it all. Lucky bastard.
Notes: A little Dean-in-hell drabble for you. Written for the
spn13 prompt
Fire. No beta, but the damage shouldn't be too bad.
'Okay,' Dean whispers, his voice rough, his lips cracked and bleeding. )
Comments 19
This is just like I imagine it to be. :|
Though, I think Dean would look up into Alastair's eyes, rather than not look at all, but holy crap, this is amazing. Do you mind if I save this onto my hard-drive? D:
Dean runs from his emotions and cloaks them in jokes in sarcasm. When he eventually breaks, especially when he fails, I think that he's too ashamed of himself to look anyone in the eye, especially someone like Alistair. You know for 30 years down there he had snarky comebacks for everything Alistair said to him, but now he's giving in and letting Alistair win. And he can't bear to see the look on his face. But that's just my opinion, everyone's entitled to their own. :)
And sure, you can save this. As long as you're not redistributing it, it's fine by me. :) Thanks again for reading!
I think he'd just look him in the eye because he's so defiant all the time, anyway. Though a mixture of looking in the eye and then looking away also seems credible. I'm not sure why, I just feel like he'd look up with his head hanging down. I don't think that, even in defeat, he'd show that he was defeated.
I wasn't going to redistribute it, not at all! I'm just saving it for reading at a later date. <3
But, I can see Dean looking up with his head hanging down, too. But that might just be Jensen working those eyes the way he does. ;)
Thanks for for sharing this!
Shall be plugging my flist to this one, fyi. :)
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