Introduction - yay xD

Jun 29, 2011 17:41

~intro time ^_^

So, I decided to join Livejournal, mainly for the communities, but I thought I'd have a go at making a journal too! So here goes nothing~

My name's Ruizu (well, not really - my real name's a secret xD) and I'm 16 years old in August. I love lolita fashion but have only been into it for about 6 months, but I have been interested in Japan since I was 12. During these six months, I've been the happiest I've ever been because of lolita! I love every aspect of it, but I especially love the sweet lolita look ^_^ I'm aspiring to be a sweet lolita! I was never particularly girly when I was younger, but as I've gotten older, I am gradually becoming more and more so - it's so fun!

My passion is Japanese, and one day I hope to take a course in it at university and  eventually live in Japan. My reason? Um, hmm, mainly the shops... xD I'm an Angelic Pretty fan, but Meta is my favourite brand at the moment! Meta Rabbit Cafe is my dream dress - gotta love rabbits in cafes!

Anywayz - that's enough about me. I'll be writing what I've been up to and taking outfit photos, etc, later on. Thank you for reading ^_^

introduction, lolita fashion

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