So yeah. Chisa and I took our time and are currently enjoying of this kick ass house on the beach. Ha, guess you guys will NEVER see both of us again, man, I'm telling you. This place rocks.
BUT! Once Chisa is on the shower and I got absolutely NOTHING to do, I'll go...Googlism. Because that shit is love.
Googlism for: takanori
takanori is his way of
takanori is revealed as a traitor and the other daitengu shifts forms into a crane and takes flight into the storm
takanori is a vocal of a band "tm revolution"
takanori is
takanori is currently an associate professor at tokyo institute of polytechnics
takanori is so damned fun to draw
takanori is right
takanori is as the panel to his office is slid aside
takanori is a large man who has gone to seed
takanori is a very important person to it
takanori is a journalist and academic who specializes in asian affairs
takanori is alive
takanori is the man has formed oda and
takanori is hiding other members i'd say takanori
takanori is a freakin dramatic person
takanori is hitting
takanori is 25 years old and took 11 years to clear the shoreikai
I'm not THAT Takanori, man!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm TWENTY FOUR and yes. I'm RIGHT! Go me!