NOOOOOOOO, she wazzzzz jealouzzzz 'coooooz......NONONO, the GUARD wazzzz jealoooouz 'coz he doezn hazzzz mah maaaaaaaaan.....and Kyoto IZN beautiful for him cuuuuzzzz he doezn hazzz mah maaan *NODSNODS* HAHAHAHAHA And Reita and Uha behave??? ONLY IN ZEH BED, cuz I never heard they zgreaaaming!!!! *dies laughing* HEYHEYHEY...wanna play of zoctor??????????? I'm the...pacient!!!!!
REITA AND URUHA'LL HAVE HOORZE ZEX!!! AND throw our houz down, man, we won't have aplaze to go back............*nods and blinkz and watches them having sex* BUT BUT BUT...THE GUARD WANTED J00!!!!!!!! Hez perverttttttttttmmmmmhmhmhmhmhmh he iz....................hez in lack of zex.............
Play zoctor???????? but.......okay, gimme 5¢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZEH WALLZZZZZZZ WILL FAAAAAAAAALL DOOOOOOOOOOWN!!!! In a Match POINT! We'll have zo liiive on zeh car..... zeh good, we can zeeeep on the backzeat, like that time!!!! *NODS* And pooooooooor pooooooor guard.....................................................
MHNOOOOOOO! we on the roof, zhere'z zpaaaaaaaaace zhere. and....air conditinerz fo' uz.... and zhen we won't have zo hear Reita'z and Uha'z moanz and zuch..........becoz tzhey'll be fuckin' zwenty-fou'zeven......*nods and sits donw*
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, ZEH MONEY!*grabz the ¢ and pullz ya pantz off*..........your cock iz oversized..................cut half of it off and give it to meh..................
Comments 20
Play zoctor???????? but.......okay, gimme 5¢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And pooooooooor pooooooor guard.....................................................
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, ZEH MONEY!*grabz the ¢ and pullz ya pantz off*..........your cock iz oversized..................cut half of it off and give it to meh..................
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