It never ceases to be a source of annoyance that I can't find the energy to post on here as much as I'd like, but considering that not a lot is actually happening in my life, it's probably a good thing (otherwise I'd just fill my posts with exciting updates about what colour underwear I have on that day - black, probably, given my wardrobe :-))
But anyway, I digress, here's what I've been up to recently: (in no particular order)
Birthdays!! A fair few of you lovely people seem to have had parents with nothing better to do on those long winter nights*, so I've been to a raft of birthday (or "continuation day" if you happen to be a wandering shoeless guru)celebrations, all of them fab and a nice reminder that in these times there are still some truly beautiful human beings out there..
I go misty eyed during wedding ceremonies, even more so when it's two of my oldest and dearest friends tying the knot; a sunny day after a week of rain, friends I haven't seen for years, a cool-as-fuck meal & reception (involving origami instructions with the napkins, living statues, henna tattooists, chaplin impersonators, yummy veggie food, banjo punk and a whole host of aceness), it was simply a wonderful day, as were the other do's I had the honour of attending. And on top of all the aceness, it's confirmed my belief that I look
great in a suit.
some other, random stuff
I've helped various people move house, made friends with the fluffy ginger tomcat who lives down the street (well, by "home" I mean where he sleeps and eats, he seems to spend the rest of his time in the front garden waiting for Wednesday to make an appearance), worked a little at you-know-where (not as much as I'd like, but given the rules around working hours and Incapacity, thats actually less of a problem than first imagined), read a ton of books, written some laughably bad "songs", stayed up til silly o'clock and just generally tried to pull myself out of the fug of inactivity that has surrounded me for a while.
oh and Gig!!
Went to Sheffield to see the ace Ms Amanda Palmer (and friends) in concert and it was quite frankly, amazing, easily one of the best gigs I've ever been to-small "intimate" venue, nice crowd, great songs, "theatrical" accompaniment and- post-vocal node operation earlier this year, her voice is fantastic.
And to top it off, she did an after show meet & greet/signing session so I got to be a sad fanboy and have my ticket signed and get my picture taken with her (no you can't see it, she looks ace in it, I don't; further proof that it's actually impossible to take a good photograph of me, although the fact that I was grinning like a loon and am apparently permanently out of focus probably didn't help).
I'm always a bit wary about meeting creative types whose work I admire, there's the horrible potential of them not being nice people (and although it shouldn't, if ,say, a musician was an @rsehole it would have an impact on my enjoyment of the music and could potentially ruin songs I love), thankfully, Ms Palmer is lovely "in the flesh" and appears to have the patience of a saint (what else would you call sticking around for hours,. chatting with fans, signing anything, getting your picture taken etc at night, in Sheffield, with a broken foot?).
Although, thanks to Sheffield's legendary one-way system, its a miracle we got there on time; seriously, who decided to remove ALL the useful information from the road signs?
45 minutes spent going "we want to be over there...why won't it let us go over there??!!" while circling past the same spot is not fun and apparently there isn't a single car in south yorkshire with working indicators..[**]
There's been other stuff, but I'll stop for now, otherwise this will start approaching essay dimensions (there's footnotes, so I'm halfway there already)
[*]Although it's a great way to stay warm-can be we expect a sudden summer baby-boom given that's soon going to be too expensive to heat a house over winter?
[**] we did however, manage to get out of the city in less than 10 minutes, oddly the directions to get out of Sheffield are plastered EVERYWHERE
In brief: yes I'm still here; no I haven't forgotten (C.Ds, C.Vs, books, drinks etc); They're fine; black (probably) yes-but not as often, mine's a black russian and make sure you've got some 20p pieces for the quiz machine!