Title: To the Skies From a Hillside Fandom: RPFS, K-Pop, Hello Venus/Rainbow Pairing: Alice, Jaekyung Rating: PG-13 Prompt: security has been called AO3
unnir i thought that maybe the hyungah drabble would hurt less after reading it a second time but no. no. i still feel like burying myself under the covers and crying
also you wrote mind control fic and ueena and borafany and basically you continue proving over and over again why you're my favorite fic writer
perpetuating the geeking out by taking a page out of your book and trying to comment on everything i like (read: all o' this) :9
i love drabbles because it's so fun to see how much can captured and communicated in such small word counts. your characterisation and characters' voices are always so constant and well conveyed and i just ♥♥♥
thank you for writing tiffany/bora btw, i've been craving it like crazy for so long omg, and the hyuna/sungah hurts just as much as it did on meme but i forgive you because it's so good ;;
Read the NM ones and loved them<33 The Sam/Minha one is so cute ^^ you are so good at depicting the right emotions and your characterizations were spot on!!
Comments 8
but i forgive you for reminding me bc you wrote bora/tiffany and bora/tiffany is nothing but love
also you wrote mind control fic and ueena and borafany and basically you continue proving over and over again why you're my favorite fic writer
but pls don't cry sq sungah will get her happy ending one day. just probably not with hyuna.
i love drabbles because it's so fun to see how much can captured and communicated in such small word counts. your characterisation and characters' voices are always so constant and well conveyed and i just ♥♥♥
thank you for writing tiffany/bora btw, i've been craving it like crazy for so long omg, and the hyuna/sungah hurts just as much as it did on meme but i forgive you because it's so good ;;
ty ty :3
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