Обновление LiveJournal v.98 на бете

Oct 24, 2012 03:12

Note: For those new readers unfamiliar with this community, ruljautonews is my personal project to help the English users of LJ learn about what's going on via the various Russian-language based sources of news. This is not an official LiveJournal community, I am not a member of LJ staff, and your comments here will most likely only be seen by other regular users of LJ. If you want to express your opinions about any of the news you see here, you should sign up for beta access, try it out for yourself, and leave a polite comment to the Russian-language entry linked below.

livejournal wrote in lj_ru_beta: http://lj-ru-beta.livejournal.com/7013.html
Translations available at
Google and

* First off is initial testing of the in-journal promo block. A variety of journals have already been selected to test the block in their journal, but all users who are signed up for Cyrillic services can test buying a block in one of the testing journals. All tokens spent on this promo block go to the journal owner where your journal or entry is promoted and not to LJ.
* Next, there is a new kind of friends page in testing. During beta you can switch back and forth between this new page and the old style friends page, but at the end of beta this new page will become what everyone uses.
** The new friends page is styled in the site scheme and not like your journal.
** All advertising has been removed.
** Instead of clicking a Previous link to page back, the new page uses an "infinite scroll" like Tumblr.
** If a new entry is posted while you're reading, a notification will appear on the right.
** The scissors icon for lj-cuts is back, but on this new page the expanded cuts have a collapse link at the end of the expanded content.
** Custom friends groups and the calendar are enabled right on the friends page - it's not necessary to enable to navbar to use them.

* There are two new buttons in lj-like: Tumblr and Surfingbird.

Update 1: reading through some of the translated comments I found these to be interesting: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Basically, it seems that the prevailing attitude is that your journal's style is meant for your readers, not for you. Also, that it would be too difficult to include all the new features they want to add to the friends page to all the different styles that LJ currently supports (for instance, I've read about plans to open comments directly in the friends page.)

Update 2: foxfirefey is conducting a poll of how users use their friends page, and their attitudes to different aspects of the user experience, over here.

Update 3: twissie has some more information available in an entry on her journal.

Update 4: It looks like membership in lj_ru_beta is currently open. This means you should be able to start beta-testing right away, as soon as you join the community and switch to the beta server.

Update 5: The new friends page has gone into public beta testing, which means there are better places to discuss it than here. I'm going to remove the repost buttons and lock the comments.

beta, comm:lj_ru_beta, promo-block, r98, staff:livejournal, friends page

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