Written for
dw100 Rating: Teen
Genre: Cannon/AU
Pairings/Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Clara
Spoilers/Warnings: No spoilers, a bit of innuendo
Summary: Shared wine brings out the daring.
Disclaimer: I disclaim, making no profit. DW belongs to BBC/Moffat. I write for fun.
Prompt: 3: Alien
“Do aliens?”
She winked at his blush, pouring herself some more Gallapretain wine. “Don’t even like wine that much, but this…"
Her finger lazily moved over the rim of the glass. “Is the best wine ever. It should be bottled onto every planet. It would sell like hot-um-potatoes on Earth!”
“Potatoes?” the Doctor scooted over Clara’s half prone body to take away her glass. “I think you’ve had too much.”
“Poop-loop.” Clara whispered hazily. “Party poop-loop.”
The Doctor smiled with amusement. “Definitely too much.”
“Mmm…” Clara’s hand toyed his leg, past thigh-
“You-alien boy, definitely do.”