Those are some awesome pics! I love the froofed out little dove? who is clearly thinking OH FUCK ME IT'S COLD. Also, the raven? Or whatever it is, because it's soooo not the kind of bird you usually see at a feeder. Very cool! Would you mind if I sent a copy of that one to my dad (or is it available on a public link somewhere?)? He and/or his girlfriend could probably give you a positive ID on what it is.
Thanks - the blue jays and cardinals never want to stick around and pose. The doves are way more laid back. The raven, we now think may be a grackle. Ravens have all black eyes, I think, and this guy had a yellow/black eye. You can definitely send a link to someone for an ID. I've made this post public now.
Comments 16
That last looks like either a blackbird or a grackle. It seems too small to be a raven. Grackles are probably more common near you.
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