Other ppl's fic. I might bring back old memories, kulala-chan
Most of these fics I read on vm’s website. And they’re also mostly old.
Heaven cannot wait
Hide and Seek
- both by Matrim - My ultimate Dir en grey author. Where r u now girl, I love you.
Deity Hall - Yukimi2 - Die/Shinya, Kaoru vs Hakuei /Toshiya, Yoshiki/Kyo XDD hakuei/Miyabi, Plastic Tree, La cryma christi, Luna Sea, X Japan ... x__x and many more!
Everybody's fave college fic (I was told). It's perfection, and I really give it to this girl. The population of charas in that fic omg. Yet everything is so well written, everyone has a role, it's amazing. She writes so well!
Alnwick Castle! _ yukimi2
Continue this one!
Principle of Lust - Vanilla Mint
Come on, the title says it all. My ultimate lemon fix. XDD omg vm, do I bring back old memories?!
Not titled Dir en grey fics -
VM's first fics, the one where Kaoru cheating on Toshiya with Shinya? And then the sequel where Shinya tried to kill himself? U noe which one, I love it.
Long Vacation - vanilla mint
You write very good lemons!! This one's at the backseat of a car right? XDD
Irresistably You - vanilla mint
This one!!!! This is why I think Die and Shinya are meant to be together. You wrote this around .... Gauze period? and then there's a song called "Iressistable Mix", remix by Shinya. Right? Lol.
Vicious Cycle/Chase/Sexy Scandal/Kaltewelle/All in the Band - kurara
Ooh the titles! It's as intersting as VM's. lol. I feel that you're one of those who can write anything. I'm looking forward to ur original ones.
Confessions of Terachi Shinya - Kurara
Well written!! The setting also so great. Im seriously bringing back old memories ;__;
Lies -
3rd_rated_star I could understand also why every single one of Die's past lovers was so reluctant to let go of him. The toilet scene made my heart almost exploded.
Secret Smile - also by
3rd_rated_star'I see what you mean about my hairs. I fell asleep when I got home, and woke up choking on one. Oops? Anyway, hope train ride's okay. Don't run off with a businessman. Love you.' ... fluff indeed. But such a lovely fluff. You can't help but smile. And the bedroom details *__*
There's this fic by
kazou_kiriyama I forgot the title, but Kyo is a mafia boss, Toshiya is his erm ... precious XD and Shinya works for him. Kaoru and Die were planning to kill Kyo. But to get to Kyo, Die had to fuck Shinya. Hard. And every toilet scene makes me happy *___* please write more please.
Of Crushed Rose, Tobacco, orange peel, and a drunk Shinya - Vanilla Mint.
I love this !!!
Ketsurui - by Surinya her email is this : Galanodel_S@hotmail.com, but I think it doesn’t exist anymore >.<
Shinya cuts himself on daily basis, I love the way every detail is described, but my fave part is when Shinya confesses his bloody love to Die.
Strawberry and whipped cream is how I remember my dear dear friend
mne There's also this very beautiful fic on VM's page, I think. There are pears involved. They were in a hot spring resort, they had sex on the grass... XDDD I feel so giddy XD which one's it vm?
There are many fics I read in the past, from alot of places, that I love so much. But as time goes by, I forget what they call and who wrote them >.< If there's any great fic that I'm missing tell me please...