Nodame Cantabile has been published til vol. 15 in Indonesia, and I went to this forum, they talked about it, and they were saying Piano Hotan is similar to Nodame, and I was like ftw,
Some girl : “So tell me one thing Nodame has that Piano Hotan doesn’t”
Nana : “Pfft. Sex Appeal”
Some girl : O.o
Chiaki is a prick. That’s what some guy told me on his blog. I went back to read ALL the manga and realized something, Chiaki IS a prick. He’s a jerk!
In vol. 15, Chiaki thought to himself that Nodame felt like a stranger sometimes. She would go away, do her own thing, but then she’ll come back, all changed and improved. But that’s okay, as long as she’s still in front of him.
I felt so sorry for him the first time reading it. There are parts where he was just let down and ignored by her. He went away with Milch and she didn’t even call him!
But after a while I realized something, the mangaka, for every vol., on the introduction page, Chiaki’s always described as “kakkoi, cool, rich. And selfish guy”
I wonder why she always included that ‘selfish’ thing, maybe it’s for us not to sympathize with him, bcuz he’s kinda like a jerk.
Chiaki wasn’t aware that some people starve themselves to learn music. His idea of ‘poverty’ were ‘Dogs of Flanders’ and ‘matchstick girl’ …. aduh, gadis penjual korek api. If it wasn’t bcuz of Nodame I don’t think he would ever realize what happened around him.
A lot of things happened in vol. 12. XDD
Near the end of vol. 11, Chiaki was touring around the world with Milch right, the whole trip he thought of Nodame. He called but she was worrying about her classes and the pics Milch sent her XD showing Chiaki hung out wh lots of girls. Lol he’s still denying that he cared! Nodame’s like “Why are you calling me?” and he tried to save face and snapped, “I don’t get much free time so I just wanna know if you’re alive!” ….. Free time? In that scene he was attending a sick Milch. She then hung up calling out, “Yun Long! Wait!” and Chiaki was like ftw who’s Yun Long?! XD
Then the China pianist Son Rui dragged him to go shopping and he wanted to get Nodame a ring right? But sheesh he’s too embarrassed and got her a necklace instead. Son Rui then noted that a necklace symbolized a possession toward the other person(?), in other words, Chiaki’s a possessive lover and wanted Nodame all to himself. Like a pet cat. … see the manga ka was trying to say something here.
Which was so true, in vol. 12 we saw how shocked Chiaki was, not finding Nodame in his apartment.
So weird lah this guy. before leaving for the world tour, he told her to get busy and not to look for him. So she went out and did her own things and then she’s wrong for doing that?! Like a child right?
Anyways, he went back and couldn’t find her in his house. When they finally met tho, Nodame was back on the “hotaru no haka” mode XDD (hotaru turun ke bumi XD) She was possessed with hatred and jealousy towards Son Rui.
Then he made her play piano and realized she’s imitating Son Rui, like trying to reach to her level but failed. And Nodame wouldn’t stop trashing the piano Xd so he kissed her to make her stop. MY HEART STOPPED THE FIRST TIME READING THIS! It’s their first kiss ever and HE initiated it! but doh! She pushed him away and scolded him for being too subjective about her.
"You're the only who likes my piano. Everyone else hates it! You're too subjective!" Chiaki langsung ‘tepar’ hahaha …. kacian bgt.
Few weeks later, after his first French Orchestra night, he hugged Nodame and entered the “Hentai(weird) Forest” (Hutan Orang Aneh) which is basically Nodame’s world. That’s probably like him finally accepting the fact that Nodame wouldn’t change ever, and he’ll just have to deal with it. Buat Chiaki mrk jadian malem itu yah ohohoh…
It’s my fave part ever, and the reason why I love the mangaka. She never shows the scenes so obviously. Getting off the stage, a tux clad Chiaki hugged Nodame in front of his dressing room.
The next scene showed his family and friends knocking on the door to congratulate him. Chiaki opened the door wearing a shirt with a button undone, with Nodame splayed on the floor, passed out, with a blissed out drool-y smile on her face.
uhh WHAT HAPPENED IN THE ROOM?!! The mangaka does this ALL THE TIME! She leaves a lot for the readers to imagine. Isn’t it so good?! Maybe Nodame passed out as soon as Chiaki hugged her, but maybe more things happened right?
Like in vol. 11, he was busy studying and Nodame came home with dinner and two sets of bras, lacy and flowery, and asked him which one he liked best XDDD He was like ewwww and hiiiiiiiihh but glanced at the lacy one XD and saw the size.
I think he was trying to find out the size. She’s D70. And he’s like D……. XDDDDD The subject was dropped, but as a good reader, I think Nodame ended up with the lacy one.
A few nights later, when Chiaki won the concour, Nodame got drunk and hugged him. He wasn’t drunk right? And he hugged her back, thinking D…..
Jerk right? This happened even before he stepped into the “Weird Ppl Forest”
ohhh and I just realized that the necklace was a Christmas present. He didn’t give it to her until vol. 13. Poor Chiaki. He went back from Holland, totally expecting Nodame there, but she went to the church wh Kuroki XDDD he waited the whole day but she didn’t show up, “Where is she …. What’s she doing ….Why didn’t she call?!” he thought, and he remembered one Christmas where he was waiting for his dad, but he didn’t come home. ;__; I actually feel sorry for him. Poor guy ;__; I’m willing to pay a lot to be there, seriously.
Then he wandered along Seine river, lamenting about Nodame’s lack of attention, his lack-of-love life, his estranged dad and how Nodame’s just like his dad abandoning him on Christmas eve, then he sniffed a little too, from the cold weather. He thought and planned of leaving Paris, but … but … he didn’t want to leave. Oh why? At that exact moment, Nodame walked pass him XDDDD
And Chiaki ‘blizzard’ XDDD
The funniest part began. Nodame sniffed and noted his smell. She’s like “Ehhh Chiaki senpai?”
Chiaki walked off
Nodame : ‘Mukiiiiiiiii!!!! WHY ARE U IGNORING ME?!!! WE HAVENT MET IN SUCH A LONG TIME!!!”
Chiaki : “Who the F is ignoring who?!!! Why didn’t you contact me?!”
Nodame : *averts eyes* “Ermm …. nothing important” ->(Ga da keperluan yg penting)
Here comes Chiaki speech : *walks on* “I can’t stand it anymore. You ARE weird. This really needs to stop here, it’s not too late. What ‘Love’? To you this is nothing but an interesting game. No matter how many times you say the ‘love’ word, it’s all just in the mouth. (not from the heart). You’re never serious about anything that you said, you’re always imagining the stuff (about us). Your attitude towards me is just like your attitude towards music. I can’t keep up with your game anymore. You go find some other guy coming from your planet”
Nodame was prob too shocked to react, and Chiaki walked on, leaving her behind, thinking, “It’s better this way. Lay it down clearly like this. If I didn’t do it, her attitude towards me won’t ever change”
Reading the speech above, u would’ve thought it’s a break up speech. But his expectation was, after this, Nodame would treat him better. Now who’s having different things in his heart? He said it ended here, but inside it wouldn’t. sheesh.
“Tapi rasanya perbuatanku ini seperti membangunkan macan tidur”
(But it feels like, I have just woken up a sleeping tiger)
Oh yes he’s right. bcuz Nodame suddenly ran toward him “mukyyaaaaaaa” and desshh! kicked Chiaki from behind. he stumbled forward and landed on the ground, injuring his palms that supported his weight.
Nodame : *turns and walks away* “Man with little heart! YOU are who’s supposed to come crawling to (worshipping) me! Not the other way around. And over such small/trivial matter!” (dasar cowo berhati kerdil! Harusnya kamu yang datang menyembah-nyembah padaku, bukannya aku! Cuma gara-gara hal sepele kaya gitu)”
Chiaki then slowly got up, thinking I can’t believe this. I REALLY can’t believe this… , grabbed Nodame’s scarf and smack-down her. XD he said the same thing “YOU’re supposed to come to ME!” Nodame then flung her scarf and caught his leg. She pulled on it and he fell on the ground. She sprung up and straddled, and strangled him.
“Who’s never serious?! When am I not serious?! And why are you running away from this?!”
Nodame started to cry, “When I think I’m getting closer, it’s actually further… you … and music … everything”
Of course when he saw her tears, he softened up, “I didn’t mean …. to run away … and avoid this …” he said.
Nodame murka XD exploded and tightened her fingers on his neck, “THEN WTF WAS ALL THAT ABOUT?!”
And he choked. I think he almost died that evening. Then he managed to grab her hands, sat up and desperately yelled, “Once …. once again! We give it a try!! We start over right from the beginning!!!!”
Nodame cried, “Really….?” she asked, with teary eyes, hands holding his.
Chiaki : “……. Ha- … Hai”
Then she hugged him and he’s like wtf!!! how come it’s MY attitude that’s got to change?!!!!
Lol. Chiaki is also very possessive, and selfish. So Son Rui can great him wh a kiss but when Nodame got a kiss from the French classmate he’s like *blackout*.
Nodame’s got a few fans in the manga, a lot of guys are interested in her, ungrateful Chiaki! Some of the guys interested in her :
1. Mine had a mini crush on her, he asked her out (which was immediately rejected flatly XD).
2. Kuroki was in love! I think Kuroki’s still in love wh her tho.
3. The French classmate of Nodame is also a fan. He prayed for Nodame not having special relationship wh Chiaki.
4. And the French conductor, Jean, who won 2nd place in the concour, he thought Nodame’s cute.
5. And lol the ridiculous part, Matsuda, the No.1 Japanese conductor … he went to Chiaki’s place to pee, he got inside the bathroom and dropped his pants and Nodame was in the bathtub, “Lock On” and aimed at his penis XDDDDD he’s like “Venusberg”. And Chiaki put a bucket on his head to cover his eyes -___-“
6. The boson player French guy, Paul, was also a fan right? Chiaki practically glared when Nodame chatted animatedly wh him.
I wonder what was in Chiaki’s mind when he planned for the trip wh Nodame? Just the two of them, going to the Swiss Alps. There would be snow right? And they would stay in the same room? Why rejecting her all the time when he’s obviously wanting to do stuff wh her?! sheeesh! I realize a lot of guys are like this!
okay …. im done. if anyone wanna do this, please do!!! WOW!!! four pages!!! I must be so in love.
Oh, funny thing happened! Peter’s in Jakarta now right? On the phone, he said he sent some stuff for me and it should be arriving tomorrow.
I said, “Oh you are my Chiaki senpai!”
and he was like “Huh?!!! … chikensipai?!!!”
I said, “Nooo!!! CHIAKI SENPAI!”
He said, “CHIKENSIPAI?!”
My mom walked pass, “Apa C*p*t?”
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *headdesk* sorry. u gotta be an indonesian to understand this. No, maybe u gotta be a medanese to get this. What y mom said is something obscene.