(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 14:32

Elderberry #15. Throne of Bone and FoTD - 11/4/09 - Skullduggery
with Hot Fudge and Whipped Cream
Story : knights
Rating : PG
Timeframe : 1251
Word Count : 246
Word of the Day : Skullduggery - Devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity

So, after that last piece, and the comment on taking the dead body literally, it occured to me that I needed to take further advantage of FoTD and have some skullduggery that involved, well, a skull...

“You know,” said Kairn, eyeing the overstuffed chair that had come to grace Reida’s corner of the lab, “I think this thing has seen better days.” He leaned closer for a better look at the misshapen seat. “How does a cushion even get lumps like that? It looks like it’s full of rocks or something.” He reached out to prod it.

“Don’t touch it!” Reida snapped.

Too late. He poked the seat and leapt back as the tip of a rib bone speared its way through the cloth. “The hell is that?” he said, flailing a hand at the chair. Eyeing the rest of the deformities, he started putting corresponding bones to their shapes.

Reida sighed. “I had to put him somewhere.”

“Put who where?”

A hand stretched past him and plucked a bare skull from the shelf overhead. She deposited the thing on the back of the chair, where it slumped at an odd angle on the frame. “Say hello,” she said, stepping back with a grin, “to Master Ephram.”

Kairn’s jaw fell. “You…you dug up…and you put…You put him in a chair?”

Reida scowled at him as she snatched the skull back from the chair. “I told you it’s temporary. I didn‘t want him to get mixed in with all the regular bodies.”

“But a chair?”

She shrugged. “Like he deserved something more dignified.”

Appalled at the idea of the bone stuffed chair as he was, Kairn couldn’t argue with that.

[topping] whipped cream, [challenge] elderberry, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna, [challenge] flavor of the day

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