Title: Joy (baby remix)
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: FOTD (corybantic: agitated, unrestrained), cherry chocolate chip 15 (favor), malt (Chinese New Year: May you enchant people with your smile.), rainbow sprinkles (Joy), pocky, whipped cream.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: They hope this one will live.
WARNING: Non-graphic references to miscarriage.
She dances in her mother's womb, kicks and flutters of movement at all hours. Her mother calls them butterfly kisses, holds her belly tight and prays that such activity means this one, at least, will survive. Her father says nothing, only turns away and does not dare to hope.
The doctors murmur, and reserve judgment.
She is born on a sunny November day, remarkably warm for the season. She is born silent, holding her breath, eyes wide open. Her parents and doctors bend over her, breathless-- another one lost?
Then she laughs, and flails her hands.
They name her Joy.