Title: Rough Day
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vinegar 17 (ages three and up), pistachio 19 (meditation/prayer), malt (PFAH: Aaron : Big, red, threatening button).
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG.
Summary: Aaron has a rough day at work.
Notes: Regarding the malt... ever given glitter to a toddler?
"Shot of vodka," Aaron said, and slammed it back almost before the bartender had finished filling it.
Danny raised her eyebrows. "Wow. Rough day?"
"Another," he said, and then, "Oh my God. How much trouble can toddlers be?"
"Um," she said.
"Don't answer," he said. "I know. I got three blocks thrown at me today! Because I took a book away!"
"Maybe the kid was reading?"
Aaron shook his head. "She's two, she can't read yet. Oh, no. She was eating it. And then they got into the glitter." He sank down into a huddle, head on his folded arms. "Oh my God. Why did I think teaching preschool was a good idea? What possessed me?"
Danny turned to the bartender. "Keep 'em coming," she said.
The bartender nodded. "Got a three-year-old myself," he said. "I suggest mantras."
Aaron snorted. "I have twenty-three three-year-olds," he replied, without lifting his head. "Mantras aren't gonna cut it."
The bartender gave this some consideration. "Vodka and prayer," he said, and went for more of the former.
Danny patted Aaron's back. "Look on the bright side," she suggested. "You can give them back."
Aaron thought about that, and shuddered. "I am never having kids."