Title: Charcoal
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Vinegar 10 (refrigerate after opening), cola 1 (breakfast of champions), My Treat (whipped cream: very early one morning, Ivy attempts to make her own breakfast; the results are inedible), malt (Summer Challenge 161: My subconscious must be hungry. - Adventure Time (Jake)), whipped cream (Ivy's probably around nine or ten), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: Ivy cooks.
Notes: Like I said, she's not really a bad cook, it's just... carbonization! Such a fascinating reaction.
Gail woke when the smoke alarm went off.
Beside her, Nathan buried his head under the pillow. She envied him, but got up.
The smoke alarm stopped shrieking right before she entered the kitchen to find her daughter, scraping hopefully at a pan. Ivy glanced up, and immediately looked guilty.
"Ivy Sophia Hirschfeld-Kendall..." Gail began,.
"It's not my fault!" Ivy said. "The eggs were bad."
Since the eggs in question were now charcoal, Gail figured that was a moot point. "Clean up this mess," she said, "then go back to bed. Also, you're grounded."
"Oh, Mom," Ivy said, sounding resigned.