Title: Twins
Main Story: In the Heart
Flavors, Toppings, Extras: Cola 23 (double your pleasure, double your fun),
My Treat (Aaron and Clara are having twins!), pocky, cherry (a dialogue exercise; you will see what I mean).
Word Count: 94
Rating: G.
Summary: We're having twins!
Notes: Quick background reminder: Aaron was sixteen when Summer was born and Clara only has an older brother.
"Oh. My God," Clara said.
"Oh my God," Aaron said, with quite different emphasis.
"We're having twins!" she squealed, wriggling in her chair.
"We're having twins," he repeated, voice flat.
"Two babies, two cribs, two little knit caps..." She clasped her hands over her belly, joyfully.
"Two diapers, two bottles, two kids screaming at the top of their lungs..." he added, dourly.
She scowled. "Spoilsport."
He grinned. "Realist."
She stuck her tongue out.
He blew a raspberry.
Clara rolled her eyes, and smiled. "Well, I'm happy."
Aaron smiled, and kissed her. "So am I."