Title: Big Things
Main Story:
In The HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Poached pear 24 (right & wrong), candy apple 8 (knee(s)),
My Treat (Cookie Crumbs of Summer scraping her knee, from Gail’s point of view), cookie crumbs (of
Small Things), pocky, malt (Summer Challenge 78: Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up. - Jesse Jackson).
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: There's nothing wrong with Summer.
Notes: Another soapbox story! I feel no shame.
There’s something wrong with your daughter.
Even thinking it makes Gail want to hurt people, because there is nothing wrong with her daughter. Summer is amazing. Brilliant, imaginative, sweet, compassionate, she is a beautiful, wonderful little girl.
Besides, Christa Sundquist did not mean “wrong.” She meant “different.” And that just infuriates Gail.
She can’t deny that there is something different about Summer- she’s slow to understand social situations, takes things very literally, has few friends, and none her own age. But none of that means she’s wrong.
She looks down at her perfect daughter and asks, “How’s your knee feeling?”