Title: Resting
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Poached pear 15 (wait & see), candy apple 7 (shoulder(s)),
My Treat (Jake waiting for his bar results), malt (BTS: 41:
SC 102.), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: G.
Summary: Jake waits for his bar results.
Notes: This story would not have happened without Miyabi. Bless you, darling. <3
Jake spent the first couple of days after he took the bar sleeping, and it was wonderful. No worries, no stress, just him and his comfortable bed and his warm blankets.
It looked like depression, but it was actually curiously freeing, knowing that he'd done all he could. Whatever happened next would happen; he'd pass or he'd fail, make it or not. For a few months, the weight was off his shoulders.
Then the email came-- The New York State Board of Law Examiners congratulates you-- and the weight settled back down.
This time, though, he was ready, and willing.