Title: Expectations
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Candy apple 10 (nails),
My Treat (Gina’s first manicure), malt (Summer Challenge 2010 104: I don't know what I should do with my hands when I talk to you. You don't know where you should look, so you look at my hands.), pocky, whipped cream (Gina is seventeen).
Word Count: 100
Rating: G.
Summary: Gina learns that her mother is, first of all, her mother.
Notes: I hope you've enjoyed this foray into pockies. Next, brownies. ALL THE BROWNIES.
Her mother's decided they need a mother-daughter day. To "talk."
Gina, who's just broken up with Ned, isn't sure this is a good idea. She knows her mother will ask until she gets answers that satisfy her. And Gina has no answers, or not ones she can safely give.
They sit beside each other at the salon, nails soaking-- Gina's never had a manicure (or an interrogation) and isn't sure what to expect. Her mother says nothing, until-- "Are you all right?"
Startled, Gina says, "Yes. Of course."
"Good," Susanna says.
She doesn't ask again. And the manicure is wonderful.