Still on tablet. Still hating not being able to post the stuff ready to go on my computer. Argh.
'Verse: Sparksong
Challenges: Vanilla #25 (changing seasons) + Gummy Bunnies ("nothing haunts us like the things we don't say." - Mitch Albom) prompt #269 @ + Chopped Nuts (same verse as Caged Bird which I would link to if I could - you can find it through my index I guess)
Title: Break
Summary: After Irene's kidnapping, Côme is the one to break.
Rating: PG
It was summer when she disappeared: high summer at the hideaway in north Elith, where the air itself pressed down on everything and it felt like you could drown in your own backyard from the stickiness of everything; all she wanted then was to lay spread-eagle and mostly naked on the living room floor, looking like a parody of a crime scene with sweat in place of blood and the 'victim' moaning pitiously every few seconds that she was too hot.
So when I came home one such day to find she wasn't doing just that, I knew to worry.
Now autumn has come and gone. As frost layers on the flowerboxes outside our bedroom window, my hope freezes as well. The less I can distract myself by going out and using all my resources to find her - as Elith's winters are as brutal as her summers, I am essentially stuck for three to four months - the more my thoughts turn to all the things I did wrong.
I left her alone.
I didn't say I loved her enough.
By the gods, I couldn't protect my own wife.
I am consumed by a burning loneliness and a chilling regret. I am haunted by could-have-beens, half-formed futures hovering on the edge of my mind.
What could I have done? What could I have said?